An easy way of publishing your relevant EU press releases.

Road safety saves lives and money WHO presents a new health economic assessment tool for transport on the launch in Europe of the Decade of Action for Road Safety


Wrong track - Left vows to beat dire rail fragmentation proposals

Backing today's demonstration of railway workers outside the European Parliament, GUE/NGL MEPs vowed to fight further fragmentation and liberalization of the railway sector and harmful draft proposals currently going through Parliament.


"The GUE/NGL Group fully supports the demands of the railway workers. We underline: No constraints on the right to strike! No further asset stripping of railway services!" MEP Sabine Wils said at the demonstration.


“Moving to 2030: A binding 45% renewable energy target”

 Brussels, 24th May 2011. At the occasion of its biannual Policy Conference (EREC 2011), EREC calls for a legally binding renewable energy target of 45% of final energy consumption in the EU by 2030. This appeal comes as a request to ensure that the European Union deliver on its 80-95% greenhouse emissions reduction commitment by 2050 (compared to 1990 levels) and maintain its increasingly challenged industrial leadership in renewable energy technologies.


ETNO welcomes G8 focus on the future of Internet

e-G8 Forum

Brussels – ETNO welcomes the inclusion of the future of the Internet on the Agenda of the G8 Heads of State in Deauville on 26-27 May, confirming the key role Internet is playing in daily lives and businesses and the need to give a global answer to the challenges that the whole industry along the digital value chain is facing. ETNO is taking part in the two-day eG8 Forum on 24-25 May hosted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, to gather views from industry stakeholders on the future of the Internet.

Commercial broadcasters as key player in the digital and drivers of European competitiveness

Brussels, 24 May 2011

Open letter to G8 leaders on the contribution of the digital economy to growth and job creation

Your Excellencies,

We write to thank you and the French Presidency of the G-8 for making the Digital Economy a high priority this week. The importance of your deliberations cannot be overestimated.


Le Secrétaire général de la Francophonie réaffirme son engagement en faveur de la diversité culturelle et linguistique

The campaign aiming at excluding AquaFed from participating in the international work on water is contrary to the interests of the public and the environment.

Paris, 19 May 2011

AquaFed, the International Federation of Private Water Operators, is the victim of an aggressive
campaign, led by the Council of Canadians, which aims at excluding it from contributing to the work of
the international community by misrepresenting it.

Trans Adriatic Pipeline and the government of Montenegro sign MOUC on energy cooperation

TAP and the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation (MOUC) to explore opportunities for developing natural gas markets and enhancing supply diversity in South East Europe (SEE).

Resource efficiency: broadband and ICT-enabled solutions have a role to play


Brussels – Through its participation in the GREEN WEEK exhibition, ETNO will highlight the key role of broadband-enabled solutions and more energy-efficient broadband equipment in helping businesses and citizens to save energy and resources, in line with the theme of this year GREEN WEEK  ‘Resource Efficiency: Using Less, Living Better’.



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