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Cloning - Commission's scaremongering tactics on WTO confirmed in leaked Council document

After the long and failed negotiations on new kinds of food, including meat from cloned animals, rapporteur for the European Parliament, Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL, Netherlands) revealed a "secret" document from the Legal Service of the Council of Ministers that stated that a ban on products from clones and their offspring is actually defensible under WTO rules.

Lobbying transparency Joint lobbyist register a step in the right direction but still a work in progress

The European Parliament today adopted a report (Casini) on a joint lobbyist register between the European Commission and Parliament, partially strengthening the existing registers. The Greens welcomed the improvements as a first step but called for further steps to strengthen the register as soon as possible. Commenting on the vote, Green MEP Gerald Häfner said:

Nuclear stress tests Energy commissioner Oettinger must ensure stress tests are not a meaningless fig leaf


Tomorrow, a meeting of nuclear safety regulators from all EU member states (ENSReg) will decide on the criteria for the planned EU nuclear stress tests. The Greens last week expressed concern (1) about draft criteria proposed by regulators from member states with nuclear energy (WENRA) and are urging EU energy commissioner Oettinger to ensure that any EU nuclear stress tests apply the strictest criteria (2). Ahead of the ENSReg meeting, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

EU foreign policy Ashton failing to grasp her job


The European Parliament today debated EU foreign policy with the EU's high representative for foreign policy Cathy Ashton. The Greens have criticised the repeated failure of the EU to agree coherent, common positions on crucial foreign policy issues and the failure of the high representative to be more proactive in forging common positions. After the debate Green MEP and foreign policy spokesperson Franziska Brantner said:


SEPA Direct Debits will only be a success with interchange

ESBG objects to the European Commission’s proposal to ban interchange fees for direct debit transactions in the migration to SEPA. Without interchange fees, debtor banks (who process the direct debits in favour of the creditors) would provide a service without being able to obtain remuneration neither from creditor banks, nor from debtors (the customers making payments to their creditors).

Radio Spectrum: Liberating radio frequencies for mobile broadband crucial for European competitiveness. Gunnar Hökmark MEP

"This is a big step towards the fulfilment of the Single Market and in the creation of a European dynamic economy with the fastest and most qualitative capacity for mobile broadband and new services" - Gunnar Hökmark MEP


Commission censured for lethargy on fisheries crisis

Putting forward proposals to tackle the ongoing crisis in the fisheries sector that has been exacerbated by a recent sharp increase in fuel prices, GUE/NGL MEP João Ferreira told fisheries Commissioner Damanaki that one "cannot cure a disease by killing the patient," criticised the Commission for doing nothing, and warned of the eradication of the whole sector in Europe.



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