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Coalition’s big impact on tax system after one year in charge Significant changes but government struggling to simplify tax system

The Government has made a major impact on the UK’s tax system in its first year in charge announcing close to 200 amendments or additions, says ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).

PES statement on Europe Day: EU recovery must go hand in hand with solidarity

Europe Day on 9 May marks the anniversary of the Schuman declaration in 1950, the first step in building the EU. In order to reconcile Europe after World War II, Germany and France’s key resources were shared. 61 years later what is the state of play? A severe crisis is sweeping Europe and its current conservative leadership is unable to respond in a strong and decisive way. When Greece was first attacked by speculators early 2010, conservatives dominating EU institutions watched passively as the play unfolded.

‘European Doctors call for policies which look at the bigger picture of public health’

CPME Board Meeting


“The CPME decided again in favor of solidarity for better quality of healthcare and service provision for all; there is a clear need for efficient innovation with a holistic view on future public health policy. It is of utmost importance that environmental, social and economic aspects are balanced with the highest ethical standards. “

CPME President, Dr Konstanty Radziwill


COST to receive additional EUR 30 million from European Commission

Brussels, Belgium – 3 May 2011

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) and the European Science
Foundation (ESF) have been informed by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research & Innovation of their decision to allocate an additional 30 million euro to COST.

Photovoltaic power well on the way to contributing an important share of the future energy mix; the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) presents its Global Market Outlook until 2015

Over the past decade, the photovoltaic (PV) market has experienced unrivalled growth among all energy generating technologies. At the end of last year, the global photovoltaic market has reached a cumulative installed capacity of some 40 GW, with an added capacity of 16.6 GW during 2010. These developments are just some of the highlights in the Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2015, presented today by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA).

Employers rate ACCA as the leading global accountancy body, independent research confirms

ACCA announces growth in global membership

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) has been rated as the leading global professional accountancy body in reputation, influence and size by employers around the world more frequently than any other professional accountancy body, according to an independent survey1 of 1,300 employers in 20 countries.

European Commission bows to franco-italian pressure on migration Schengen dilution is an ‘abdication of European principle’

The Party of European Socialists (PES) deplores the attempt by the conservatives to dismantle the Schengen agreement. The European Commission is caving into the demands of French President Sarkozy and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, who have been putting stronger and stronger pressure on the European Union to implement stricter rules on migration.

EU nuclear stress tests set to fall short of thorough risk assessment, ignore terror threat


A decision on the proposed EU nuclear stress tests is expected as early as next week, with the draft stress test criteria already in circulation (1). The Greens are concerned that, based on current drafts, the stress tests would fail to thoroughly assess the risk of nuclear reactors, notably excluding assessment of the risk of terrorist attacks, such as the impact of a passenger airplane crash. Commenting on the draft nuclear stress tests, Greens/EFA co-president and nuclear expert Rebecca Harms said:


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