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EurActiv flagship redesign: Still yellow, even more interactive

Dear reader,

As of this week, has a new website format, with enhanced usability and design. While remaining familiar to you - we are “Still yellow, even more interactive!” - the new design introduces a range of new features:

    * Modernised and clearer lay-out -- First, you will instantly notice the day's top news, interviews and opinions will be highlighted at the top of our homepage in a rotating "carousel".

Edition spéciale d'EurActiv sur le Sommet européen des affaires

EurActiv, le principal média en ligne sur les politiques de l'Union européenne, consacrera une couverture spéciale au Sommet européen des affaires du 18 au 20 mai. EurActiv est un partenaire de contenu de cet évènement qui, cette année, se concentrera sur la place de l'Europe dans l'économie mondiale.

Trans adriatic pipeline begins ESIA submission process in Italy

Baar, Switzerland. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) announced today that it has commenced the project’s formal Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process in Italy. The submission of its Scoping Report to the Italian authorities follows a similar move in Albania last month.

Brazilian Sugarcane Industry appoints new EU Chief Representative

Brussels, 16 May 2011 - The Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA) today announced the appointment of Lola Uña Cárdenas as its Chief Representative in the European Union (EU), based in Brussels.


A Spanish national, Ms. Cárdenas will boost UNICA's European public affairs operation in Brussels and help drive forward the interests of the Brazilian sugarcane industry. She brings a decade of transport and energy sector experience to her new position.


The Regions of Europe make their revolution in Tunis

The Assembly of European Regions and the Tunisian Ministry for Regional Development reach an agreement on regionalization and employment

Tunis (TN), 13th May 2011

At the heart of the Tunisian democratic transition, Michèle SABBAN, President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), and the Tunisian Minister for Regional Development, Mr. Abderrazek ZOUARI, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU), in the presence of Mr. Said AYDI, Tunisian Minister of Vocational Training and Employment.

CEEP: “Our members are key to successfully combatting climate change”
Ralf Resch, General Secretary of CEEP, presented this key message at today’s high level meeting in Brussels between the European social partners and the European Commission.

The debate centered on challenges and opportunities for social partners and policy makers in developing a competitive low-carbon EU economy.

Innovation and fibre development: Trento a “EU best practice”

ETNO Trento Event “What Innovation for Telecom Operators” Trento, June 24 2011

EU Parliament votes on mandatory labelling of textiles containing fur - Four Paws demands more comprehensive regulation

Brussels, 12.05.2011: Yesterday the European Parliament voted on a new directive on the labelling of textiles. According to the directive, textiles sold in the EU must, in the future, contain labels identifying components made from animal products such as fur. It is to be expected that the EU Council of Ministers will agree to the proposal. The international animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS welcomes the decision as a first step towards better consumer information and choice. However, in the interests of animal and consumer protection, further regulations are necessary.


ArcelorMittal hosts SOVAMAT ‘Society & Materials’ Seminar

World’s leading steel company uses SAM5 to articulate steel’s contribution to a sustainable society

METZ, France – 11 May 2011: ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel company, today plays host to the Social Value of Materials’ (SOVAMAT) 5th International Seminar on Society and Materials (SAM5).

Caution needed! EU Policy makers might undermine

The core business of sound savings and retail banks, says ESBG

The one-size-fits-all-approach dominating the international and EU approach in important reform areas, notably Basel III, is prone to create obstacles to the long-term financing of the real economy by Europe’s savings and retail banks, declared ESBG, its representative body. The ESBG members make up one third of the European retail banking sector and consider the long-term financing of households, SMEs and local authorities as their core business.


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