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World Health Day 2011 - Information for policy-makers

Policy-makers play a key role in tackling the emerging public health problem of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics are important life-saving drugs used for the treatment of bacterial infections, but these drugs are now threatening to become ineffective because bacteria are developing resistance against them. This is a result of the misuse, and especially the overuse, of antibiotics. The use of antibiotics has to be balanced, meaning that they should be used only when they are needed and justified for therapeutic reasons, and not otherwise.

Immigration : Priorité à l' "Europe forteresse" au mépris des valeurs de l'UE et de la solidarité

Le Groupe GUE/NGL a voté contre le rapport de M. Provera (Député italien, groupe EFD, Ligue du nord) sur les flux migratoires. Malgré quelques éléments positifs proposés par les commissions du développement (DEVE) et des libertés civiles, de la justice et des affaires intérieures (LIBE) ce rapport n'est pas acceptable car il campe sur une logique d' "Europe forteresse"

- qui voit avant tout dans l'immigration un danger,

World Health Day 2011 - Information for the pharmaceutical industry

Bacteria that cause common and life-threatening infections are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. This is largely due to the widespread overuse and misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals, and in other sectors. This urgent problem is threatening the health of the people in Europe and worldwide. The pharmaceutical industry can and should play a key role in tackling antibiotic resistance.

Will Privacy Impact Assessment protect consumers’ personal data effectively?

Today, the European Commission is expected to sign a voluntary agreement with companies on how to assess the privacy and data protection risks from RFID applications.

IRU tackles road safety in Latin America

Joint IRU - FADEEAC Conference on Road Safety & Professional Training held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a concrete contribution to the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, concludes that focusing on the human element through professional training is the key to effectively improving road safety in Latin America.


World Health Day 2011 – Antibiotic resistance: No action today, no cure tomorrow

The health of people in Europe is threatened by a growing phenomenon: bacteria that cause common and life-threatening infections are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics – the medicines used to treat them. This is due to the widespread use and misuse of antibiotics in both humans and animals. This is an urgent problem, and is why antimicrobial resistance is the focus of World Health Day 2011.

Old Ghosts In New Sheets: European Populist Parties And Foreign Policy

The Centre for European Studies (CES) has published a new paper, entitled Old Ghosts in New Sheets: European populist parties and foreign policy. The paper, authored by Angelos Chryssogelos, formerly a Research Fellow at CES, shows that although populist parties are on the rise, their ideology and political positions are often not well understood. Chryssogelos' paper focuses on the foreign policy positions of five radical populist parties on the right and left in Western Europe. It covers these parties' views of the United States, Russia, the Middle East and global governance.

AER conference: Establishing a culture of cooperation between regions of the Black Sea will ensure territorial stability and prosperity

Batumi, Ajara (GE), 6th April 2011:

International investment policy of the EU: common standards and better protection of European investors. Paweł Zalewski MEP

EU needs autonomous sources of financing to successfully carry out its tasks

Three senior MEPs today from different political groups (EPP, S&D and ALDE) presented a substantively researched document arguing for the creation of a new system of own resources that would provide the budgetary autonomy necessary for the EU institutions to implement the range of policies entrusted to them by the Lisbon Treaty.


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