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Eight major bus manufacturers sign the UITP Sustainable Development Charter at the Dubai Congress

Eight major bus manufacturers became signatories to the UITP Sustainable Development Charter, today. It is the first time bus manufacturers take such a commitment and decide to do this as a group to show that their industry support to this programme.

UITP announces its Strategic Alliances for Public Transport with Karlsruhe Messe, Busworld and bern expo

Dubai, 12 April 2011. The International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
announced its Strategic Alliances with Karlsruhe Messe (KMK), Busworld and BEA bern
expo AG today during the 59th UITP World Congress and Exhibition in Dubai.

How to save 600 million tons of CO2 equivalent and $140bn (EUR 95bn) in oil consumption annually? And create more than 7 million jobs in 2025? Public transport: the smart green solution

The International Association of Public Transport (UITP) unveiled its scenarios for urban
transport in 2025 today at the plenary session of its 59th World Congress taking place in
Dubai from 10 to 14 April 2011. It compares the economic, environmental and social
impacts of urban transport in a business-as-usual scenario (BAU) and in a ‘PTx2’
scenario. It highlights the benefits of doubling the public transport market share
worldwide by 2025 and illustrates how to achieve this.

Boosting public transport: Action! 59th UITP World Congress & Exhibition

Dubai, 10 April 2011. The 59th World Congress and Exhibition of the International
Association of Public Transport (UITP), hosted by the Dubai Roads & Transport Authority
(RTA), was officially inaugurated today in the presence of HH Mohammed bin Rashid Al
Maktoum. Under the slogan ‘Boosting public transport: Action!’, the event is a key
milestone of the UITP ‘PTx2’ strategy, which aims at doubling the public transport
market share worldwide by 2025.

The EU Metals Recycling Industry maintains its demand for secondary materials

Eurometaux wishes to re-state the industry’s need for secondary raw materials in Europe and to
respond to the press release issued by Eurometrec on 25 March in which it claims that the socalled
“metals consuming industry” lacks interest in buying metal scrap. Consumption should
not be confused with pre-processing and recycling!

Exceptional accountancy student wins an ACCA Award - ACCA recognises outstanding achievement by German student

Mareike Crone from Frankfurt-am-Main in Germany is one of 33 students to win a global award from ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) for outstanding performance in their 2010 exams.

Mareike is an ACCA Prizewinner for scoring the highest mark in the ACCA Qualification for Paper F8 which focuses on Audit and Assurance. In 2010, over 205,000 students sat ACCA exams.

How do European Regions invest for green growth? AER SURVEY – Regions find alternative methods of financing the essential energy programmes that are necessary to achieve the EU 2020 energy targets

ePURE - The European Renewable Ethanol Association

The European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET)1 has launched a new Iberian
Gas Group (IGG).
In line with EFET principles and mission, the new IGG’s main objective is to promote
gas trading in the region and to improve liquidity and transparency within the Iberian
gas market.

Copper switch-off strategy essential for achieving European broadband targets

EU Telco Regulators should signal significant cuts in copper charges whilst allowing rapid switch-off if dominant firms install open fibre, new WIK study concludes


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