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CIAA regrets the failure to reach an agreement on Novel Foods

The CIAA (Confederation of food and drink industries of the EU) acknowledges the EU institutions‟ considerable efforts to find a compromise on the Novel Foods Regulation before the 30 March deadline and regrets their failure to reach an agreement.

The revised Novel Foods Regulation would have stimulated innovation in the food and drink industry by simplifying and streamlining the current regulatory framework and facilitating market access for novel foods.

EU Transport policy fails to recognise road transport’s irreplaceable role in a “resource efficient transport system” and to provide incentives for its greener future.

IRU regrets that actions proposed in the new European Commission Transport Policy White Paper undermines the goal of achieving an integrated transport system and thus jeopardise the competitiveness of Europe’s transport system and economy. Moreover, the inadequacy of actions designed to further green road transport undermines its credibility.

White Paper on Transport focus on ITS welcomed but higher costs threaten consumer trust, says FIA

White Paper on Transport focus on ITS welcomed but higher costs threaten consumer trust, says FIA.

The focus on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), eSafety Systems and eCall emergency services in the European Commission’s new White Paper on Transport was welcomed today by FIA Region I – representing 36 million motorists across its 100 member clubs - but concerns were raised that the Commission’s moves to restrict mobility and impose unpredictable costs in the long-term could lose the trust of consumers.

GESAC - The European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers

GESAC, the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers, comprises authors’ societies from across the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

The European Commission needs to define what nanomaterials are in order to offer consumers effective protection

ANEC welcomes the “Safety for Success Dialogue” high-level international conference, hosted by the European Commission in Brussels today, as a means of taking stock of the fast-advancing science needed for appropriate and effective policies. However, we believe that the starting point of any sound regulatory approach is agreement on a definition of what exactly nanomaterials and nanotechnologies are.


Clone food - Blow for consumers as government obstinacy on clone food leads to collapse of 'novel foods' rules

'Conciliation negotiations' between the European Parliament and Council on EU legislation on novel foods, which has included a crucial debate on clone food, collapsed early this morning with no agreement. The Greens have consistently argued for a ban on food from clones and their descendents to be included in the legislation, a position that was supported by a cross-political majority in the European Parliament. The EP had been willing to make compromises but the talks collapsed as the Council refused all compromise efforts. After the negotiations, Green MEP Bart Staes said:

European project further consolidates the potential for cogeneration in achieving energy savings and CO2 emission reductions to 2050.

At a time when the EU is discussing the future direction of its energy policy and has started the revision of the Cogeneration Directive, the results of the CODE project highlight the 120 GWe untapped potential which Member States believe can be developed by 2020. Showcasing three innovative case studies the expert meeting on Friday 25 March in Brussels heard how the sector continues to develop new business
models around bio-energy, electric cars and district heating. However, the policy environment still fails to promote anything like the full sector potential.

Trans Adriatic Pipeline identifies optimal pipeline route in Greece

Baar, Switzerland. TAP finalizes route refinement study of the pipeline section between Thessaloniki and the Greek-Albanian border.

More than 50 national and international experts conducted comprehensive and detailed studies of a 50 km wide corridor. Three extensive field missions were organised in northern Greece to identify geological, environmental and cultural heritage constraints as well as safety and social concerns.

Fair access to professions needs to add up, says ACCA in its new social mobility paper

Widening access to the finance professions can only be achieved if all those involved in the process of qualifying professionals adopt values that truly break down barriers to entry, says ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) today in a new report called Climbing the ladder: ACCA and Social Mobility.


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