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EU enshrines tighter pre-qualification criteria for wind farms in law

Yesterday the European Parliament and the Council reached a final agreement on the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA). The Act will help strengthen Europe’s clean tech manufacturing and contribute to ensuring that the future of wind energy is “made in Europe”. At the heart of the NZIA deal is the design of wind energy auctions. Pre-qualification criteria are now enshrined in legislation. Pre-qualification and non-price award criteria will play a bigger role in selecting winning bids.

Deal on the EU directive to fight violence against women: just a first step for the S&Ds!

Tonight, the negotiators from the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the first ever EU law to combat violence against women.  

S&Ds urge an ambitious EU law to ensure fair pay and full rights for all trainees

As the European Parliament today debates traineeships in Europe, the Socialists and Democrats again urge the European Commission’s president to clear the way for an ambitious proposal for a new EU law that will ensure fair pay and full rights for all trainees. 

Industrial Carbon Management Strategy: now we need robust and clear regulation to transform it into reality

Brussels, 6 February 2024 – The European Commission has released today the much-anticipated Industrial Carbon Management Strategy. ESWET – The European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology wholeheartedly welcomes this initiative, as it addresses critical aspects of CO2 emissions capture, storage, and utilisation, vital for achieving the EU climate targets. 

2040 target: enabling conditions for unlocking investment in industrial transition cannot wait any longer, warns EUROFER

Brussels, 06 February 2024 – The 90% target recommended today by the European Commission demands an unprecedented transformation of EU society and industry in just 16 years. The steel industry is already playing its role but there is not yet a clear business case for the transition, and investments remain worryingly low.

Gas infrastructure operators support 2040 Emissions Reduction Target & Industrial Carbon Management Communication

Today, the European Commission published two initiatives set to bring Europe closer to its decarbonisation and security of supply objectives. They unveil levers to increase the efficiency and speed of the energy transition. Gas infrastructure operators are determined to support the EU in delivering its climate targets, increasing industrial competitiveness, and improving energy resilience. But we also need assistance in our transition to reach a 90% net greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2040 compared to 1990 levels.


Today, the European Commission unveiled its Communication ‘

Advancing Towards the 2040 Climate Target with Bioenergy

Bioenergy Europe warmly welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on the 2040 climate targets. A 90% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is the right response to the threat of climate change and the bioenergy sector is ready to step up.

Hydrogen is key building block in Europe’s 2040 climate targets

Today (6 February), the European Commission published its Communication setting EU targets for the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions by 2040. The new targets will bridge the gap between the 2030 climate targets and the 2050 Net Zero target by defining key measures to reach a net reduction of 90% of emissions – compared to 1990 levels - by 2040.  

Irresponsible management at GFG Alliance/Liberty Steel is putting strategic European steelmaking at risk



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