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Europe could play a key role in restoring Venezuelan democracy

In recent months, Venezuelan citizens and politicians have used every resource at their disposal to hold free elections within the country and re

S&Ds delivered a historic deal to over 30 million platform workers

The Socialists and Democrats are extremely proud of today’s historic deal on the protection of platform workers, reached by negotiators from the European Parliament led by the S&Ds and EU member states.

S&Ds welcome agreement on new EU law on disability cards to help millions

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament are proud of today’s agreement on a new EU law that will significantly improve the lives of over 100 

Wind energy permitting is improving but Governments still have work to do

Permitting remains a bottlenecks to the expansion wind energy in Europe. However, things are improving. Europe approved significantly more permits for new onshore wind farms in 2023 than in previous years. This is largely thanks to the new EU rules on renewables permitting. That said, Europe is still not permitting enough new wind farms to meet its ambitious 2030 targets. Governments need to continue to simplify and speed up their permitting.

Agreement on Construction Products Regulation (CPR): A major improvement for contractors, a massive cost and time saving for businesses

On 13 December 2023, EU lawmakers reached a provisional agreement on the revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR). In recent years, the European Commission had identified numerous shortcomings in the "old" framework for construction products, in particular the lack of updated harmonised standards and of environmental and sustainability performance criteria for products. The Commission's original proposal of March 2022 also included new requirements for the on-site manufacture of products and for their dismantling.

S&Ds call for expert mission to assess and address systemic rule of law issues in Serbia

Following the Serbian elections, which were marred by reports of widespread and systematic fraud, the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament call 

Persisting downside factors deepen downturn in 2023 and curb steel demand rebound in 2024

Brussels, 08 February 2024 – Lingering adverse conditions are set to exacerbate the recession in 2023 while slowing down the anticipated steel market recovery in 2024. Ongoing conflicts, prolonged uncertainty in energy prices and monetary tightening due to persistent inflation, combined with a bleak economic outlook, have further impacted apparent steel consumption (-6.3%) over the past year.

Tomorrow can be a historic day for over 30 million platform workers, urge S&Ds

Tomorrow, the European Union can write history again by brokering a deal on protecting platform workers, urge the Socialists and Democrats ahead of a key meeting of negotiators from the European Parliament and EU member states.

First ever resolution on the rule of law in Greece adopted! EPP must finally stop covering for Mitsotakis!

Today, the European Parliament adopted its first-ever resolution on the rule of law in Greece, expressing strong concerns about the systemic and structural violations of the rule of law, media freedom and fundamental rights in the country, which has been governed by the EPP-affiliated government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis since 2019. 

Iratxe García: “We need less polarisation and populism, and more dialogue to ensure fair income for farmers”

Today in Strasbourg, MEPs held a plenary debate on how to empower farmers and rural communities, as part of a dialogue towards sustainability and fair compensation in the EU agricultural sector.
The president of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Iratxe García MEP, said:


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