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Fake pesticides on the rise

Brussels, 17 September 2008. A report released today by the European Crop Protection Association shows that fake pesticides are increasingly present in most European countries. These illegally-traded pesticides are completely untested and commonly contain toxic elements that pose significant threats to farmers, consumers and the environment. The report: "Counterfeit Pesticides Across Europe: Facts, Consequences and Actions Needed", gives the most extensive expose of the counterfeit problem, its impacts and required solutions.

Oracle helps students and teachers to develop their e-skills


Automotive Aftermarket Security Infrastructure Recommendations for Product Authentication and Traceability to Combat Counterfeit

Major  European  automotive  component  &  equipment  manufacturing  companies,
represented by  the CLEPA (European Association of Automotive Suppliers), started last year a standardized process to combat counterfeiting of automotive parts.  In addition  to posing  a  threat  to  consumer  safety,  it  is  estimated  that  product  piracy  costs  the  global automotive parts industry € 5-10 billion per year.

Major health issues in spotlight as WHO Director-General and Georgian President address WHO governing body in Tbilisi

Copenhagen, Tbilisi, 17 September 2008: Two of the most complex and persistent issues in public health are being addressed as the meeting of the WHO European governing body – the Regional Committee for Europe – unfolds in Georgia. Over 250 representatives of the countries in the WHO European Region are seeking ways to improve the governance of health systems, which means achieving more fairness as well as greater efficiency, and to promote healthy behaviour.

The EP has its own webTV channel: EP President launches EuroparlTV Institutions

The EP President, Hans-Gert Pöttering, launched this morning EuroparlTV, the Parliament's own webTV channel. As from today anyone with Internet access will be able to watch a regularly changing set of programmes based around the life of the Parliament. The aim of EuroparlTV is to bring Parliament closer to European citizens in a modern and creative format. EuroparlTV is available at the following address:
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WHO governing body to make decisions affecting health systems

The WHO Regional Committee for Europe meets in Tbilisi, Georgia this week for its annual session. Public health officials from the 53 Member States in the European Region will discuss the progress made on issues such as health promotion, noncommunicable diseases, child and adolescent health and the social determinants of health.

European paper sector reaches new heights in recycling

Brussels, 16 September 2008: The European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) today announced that the paper and board recycling rate in Europe reached 64.5% in 2007, which confirms that the industry is on track to meet its voluntary target of 66% by 2010.

The total amount of paper collected and sent to be recycled in paper mills was 60.1 million tonnes, an increase of 7.6 million tonnes (or +14.5%) since 2004, the base year for the target.

CompTIA Comment on BECTA Statement

Brussels, 16 September, 2008 – CompTIA responds positively to BECTA’s acknowledged reliance on market-based choice to serve agencies, taxpayers and students through state-provided ICT. With our growing dependence on ICT to improve our lives, governments have legitimate concerns about how they employ ICT to serve citizens.  Interoperability has emerged as a crucial issue for markets – public and private – to extend the reach, cost-effectiveness and overall efficacy of ICT in large enterprises. 

Response to the European Commission report on Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002

CLEPA sees a significant impairment of the free competition of repairing and maintaining of  automotives, the so-called Automotive Aftermarket, if the European Commission were not to extend  the  detailed  provisions  of  the  current Motor  Vehicle  Block  Exemption  Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002  (MVBER).  Scrapping  the MVBER would be  a wrong  signal  from  the European  competition watchdog, DG COMP,  particularly  regarding  the  automotive  service and parts supply sect


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