An easy way of publishing your relevant EU press releases.

Climate triumphs over car industry!

The European Parliament's environment committee voted today on emission performance standards for passenger cars. An industry-friendly EPP and PSE deal collapsed when a number of socialist MEPs decided to vote in favour of the climate.

Chinese food products: EU farming sector welcomes European Commission’s decision to restrict imports

Brussels. COPA and  COGECA  welcome the Commission’s decision to officially adopt
safeguard measures that will be applicable  throughout the EU in order to restrict  imports of  Chinese food products containing milk, following the contamination of Chinese milk powder with melamine.

2008 Europeans of the Year nominees announced

Nominees include: Nicolas Sarkozy, Stavros Dimas, Boris Tadić, Jean-
Claude Trichet and George Soros
Brussels  25  September  2008:  Today,  25  individuals  were  nominated  for  the  2008

European Parliament’s Environment Committee gives wrong signal

Brussels, 25 September 2008 - The European automobile manufacturers are disappointed by the outcome of the vote, today, in the Environment Committee of the European Parliament on the legislative proposal to reduce CO2 emissions from cars.

“The MEPs missed the opportunity to help shape a realistic framework for the car industry enabling manufacturers to continue contributing to the CO2 reduction objectives of the EU to the best of their ability and with all the innovative might they possess”, said Ivan Hodac, Secretary

MEPs defend media pluralism and call for discussion of blogs

Hans-Gert Pöttering releasing an interview before entering the EC on 19 of June 2008. © Council of the EU

Media pluralism must be safeguarded and all citizens should have access to free media, MEPs underline in a resolution adopted on Thursday. To prevent owners, shareholders or governments from interfering with editorial content, MEPs advocate creation of editorial charters. They also encourage an open discussion of the status of weblogs.

Commissioner Reding Meets Cable Industry Leaders-Cable revenues expected to grow 11%+ for YE 2008

Brussels – September 25, 2008:  Vivian Reding, EU Commissioner for Information
Society and Media, last night met cable industry leaders from across Europe to
discuss the state of the cable industry and regulatory developments impacting the
The meeting, on September 24 in Brussels, was attended by senior executives from
some of the region's largest cable operators. It coincided with forecasts that
continued strong demand would help lift industry revenues by 11% in the current

Cable Europe applauds the European Parliament vote of confidence in infrastructure based competition

Concerns remain regarding the proposal to force access to ducts and extension of "must carry" rules to on-demand TV
Brussels - September 24, 2008:  As Europe’s most important infrastructure based
competitor to telecom incumbents, the cable industry welcomes today’s vote of the
European Parliament on an array of  new proposals seeking to stimulate the
development of infrastructure based competition.  
These new EU telecom rules will generate higher broadband penetration, more


EUMETSAT is the European operational satellite agency for monitoring weather, climate and the environment. EUMETSAT operates a system of meteorological satellites monitoring the atmosphere and ocean and land surfaces which deliver weather and climate-related satellite data, images and products – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Paquet télécom : renforcer les droits des consommateurs et la sécurité des réseaux

Le Parlement a adopté un rapport modifiant la directive sur les services universels et les droits des utilisateurs de communications électroniques, l'objectif principal étant d'améliorer la protection des consommateurs. Les dispositions du texte adopté portent notamment sur l'accès à l'information et au numéro d'urgence 112, la portabilité du numéro, la sécurité des réseaux et la protection des données personnelles. Le débat en plénière a eu lieu le 2 septembre dernier.

Spectrum Management & Allocation to Remain a National Prerogative

Brussels, 24 September 2008 – Today the European Parliament (EP) has taken a decisive step towards updating the regulation of telecoms markets and a better protection of the consumer. When adopting in first reading the parliamentary reportson the Electronic Communications Package, Members of the EP (MEPs) have progressed on responding to the technological challenges lying ahead while at the same time taking measures to promote national audiovisual and media policies. 


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