An easy way of publishing your relevant EU press releases.

Health Check of the CAP: a compromise which weakens farmers’ incomes

Health Check of the CAP: a compromise which weakens farmers’ incomes

Reacting to the political compromise reached by EU agriculture ministers on the Health Check,

the Presidents of Copa and Cogeca were extremely disappointed with the final result. Speaking

as the President of Copa, Jean-Michel Lemétayer says the outcome is clear and unambiguous.

“We don’t see how the measures decided upon for the sectors are going to allow farmers’

Council gives green light for the European Year of Creativity and Innovation

Council gives green light for the European Year of Creativity and Innovation

Brussels, 20 November 2008

The Council has adopted a decision proclaiming the year 2009 "European Year of
Creativity and Innovation" (doc. 3691/08).

The aim of this year is to support the efforts of Member States to promote creativity,
through lifelong learning, as a driver for innovation and a key factor for the development of occupational and entrepreneurial competences.

Beekeeping: act now to stop decline

Beekeeping: act now to stop decline

On the occasion of the vote at the European Parliament regarding the Resolution on beekeeping,

the representatives of the beekeeping sector at Copa and Cogeca have gathered in Brussels to

discuss the serious situation facing European beekeeping today.

Following their meeting, the representatives highlighted in particular the problem of colony loss

linked to environmental and health reasons, the lack of veterinary medicines to control disease

OGP - International Association of Oil & Gas Producers

The International Association of Oil & Gas producers (OGP) encompasses most of the world’s leading publicly-traded, private and state-owned oil & gas companies, industry associations and major upstream service companies. OGP members produce more than half the world’s oil and about one third of its gas.

Eurovignette revision will remove truckers’ licence to pollute

Brussels, 19 November 2008

Eurovignette revision will remove truckers’ licence to pollute

The revision of the Eurovignette Directive will put an end to the privileged situation of road
transport, politicians and experts agreed at a high level event hosted by the European rail sector
in Strasbourg on 18 November. Currently Member States are legally prevented from charging
trucks the true costs of their environmental impact. This distorts competition in the transport

‘Pyou Life’ for young people:Torino designated European Youth Capital 2010


‘Pyou Life’ for young people:Torino designated European Youth Capital 2010

Chosen amongst 15 other candidate cities, Torino was awarded Saturday the title of European Youth Capital 2010 (EYC 2010) by Bettina Schwarzmayr, President of the European Jury and President of the European Youth Forum. The ceremony took place last Saturday, 15 November in Rotterdam City Hall, at the end of the European Youth Forum General Assembly.



Press Release Embargoed 4 November 2008


A growing body of scientific research supports the view that moderate beer consumption can be part of an adult’s

healthy lifestyle. This is the conclusion of a new report published today on The Effects of Moderate Beer


The latest research is also the subject of a major European medical conference in Madrid today (4 November).

Political decisions in the framework of the Health Check must not weaken farmers’ incomes.

17 November 2008

Press Release

In view of the Council of Ministers’ meeting on 18 and 19 November which is proving a key stage

of the negotiations on the CAP Health Check, the Member Organisations of Copa are calling

upon agricultural ministers to exercise their know-how.

Given the market situation which is deteriorating particularly for the cereals and milk sectors,

the Presidents of Copa’s Member Organisations are asking Commission to act and especially to

Kellen Europe Discusses New Policies Impact on U.S. Trade Associations in Europe

For Immediate Release:

Kellen Europe Discusses New Policies Impact on U.S. Trade Associations in Europe


Washington, D.C. (November 18th,  2008) —With the European political landscape focusing more on regulatory

activities and self-regulation by industry, American -associations will want to become more pro-active in their

understanding and monitoring of the European policy initiatives if they plan on expanding their activities overseas,


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