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Unanimous backing for EU strategy on violence against women

A report on the future EU strategy for combating violence against women by GUE/NGL MEP Eva-Britt Svensson's today received unanimous backing in the Women's Rights and Gender Equality committee of the European Parliament.


Industry joint statement on the review of the EU legal framework fo data protection

Achieving a joint goal – to establish an enabling user-centric EU privacy framework
that supports innovation

Our organisations (CableEurope, ECTA, ETNO, EuroISPA and GSMA Europe) represent the whole European electronic communications industry: fixed and mobile telecoms operators, Internet Services Providers and cable companies, and national and pan-European players.

Corporate tax - High time for mandatory common base for corporate tax in Europe

The European Commission is expected to present a long-awaited proposal for new rules on an EU common consolidated base for corporate tax (CCCTB) tomorrow. The Greens support the introduction of a CCCTB, which is crucial for ensuring greater transparency on corporate tax in the EU and limiting the scope for tax avoidance. The group also views the CCCTB as a key step towards introducing a minimum corporate tax rate. Commenting on the CCCTB, Green MEP Philippe Lamberts said:

Japanese authorities must be honest about nuclear danger

The only secure future is to organize the phasing out from nuclear energy

The European Green Party is deeply alarmed after learning of a second explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear site, in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami which shook Japan last friday. The explosion took place at reactor 3, just days after a blast hit reactor 1, and is believed to have been caused by a partial meltdown following the earlier explosion.

Putting our volunteers in the spotlight

To mark International Consumers Day and the European Year of Volunteering, ANEC wishes to record its gratitude to its volunteer experts who face daily the challenge of promoting and defending consumer interests in standardisation.

EurActiv ‘Special Report’ on wind energy

EurActiv, the leading online media on European Union policies, will be running special coverage, from 14 to 18 March, on wind energy. In the special report, EurActiv journalists will cover, in their news and interviews, the next steps in EU climate policy after 2020 and the role of wind energy in this context.
Other topics include funding for wind energy projects, the success of EU renewable energy directives, competition in the wind energy sector between the European Union and China, and green city initiatives.

First Superbus prototype to be presented at the 59th UITP Congress & Exhibition in Dubai

The first Superbus prototype will be presented in Dubai at the World Exhibition of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) hosted by Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), on the opening day 10 April 2011.


The Superbus Project represents a new concept for safe, flexible and sustainable mobility. It consists of:

-         a new vehicle, created following the latest innovation and IT systems;

-         a new type of dedicated infrastructure, with ‘super tracks’ made of relatively cheap concrete roads, where the Superbus runs at 250km/h;

Liberté de la presse et couverture médiatique de l'UE: des défis apparentés?

La Fondation EurActiv PoliTech lance un débat sur le blog aujourd’hui et prévoit un atelier rassemblant en juin les principaux acteurs en juin sur la liberté de la presse et le journalisme indépendant. Les deux initiatives sont destinées à discuter de la manière et de la fréquence de la couverture sur les débats concernant les politiques européennes. Le débat aura lieu sur, la plateforme des médias sociaux dédiée aux politiques européennes.

Three years on from the European Decision, millions of lighters are STILL potentially dangerous

Millions of lighters sold in the EU are still potentially dangerous, three years after the introduction of a European Decision1  to stop lighters that fail to comply with minimum standards being offered by retailers. According to the European Commission, up to 40 deaths and 1,900 injuries each year in the EU are caused by lighters. Furthermore, the victims are often children.

“Energy efficiency’s potential still awaiting to be fully exploited” says Eurima

Eurima, the European Insulation Manufacturers Association, considers that the Energy Efficiency Plan 2011, adopted today by the European Commission, lacks the clear vision and ambition that an EU strategic document should have. This is why Eurima calls on the EU to urgently gear up its consideration of energy efficiency from a “would be nice to have” to a “must have”, placing specific emphasis on buildings, where the largest potential for energy savings lies.


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