Putting our volunteers in the spotlight
To mark International Consumers Day and the European Year of Volunteering, ANEC wishes to record its gratitude to its volunteer experts who face daily the challenge of promoting and defending consumer interests in standardisation.
Standardisation is not a popular topic for conversation. But the modern world could not exist without standards. Our lives revolve around standards and standardisation. And in Europe, standards have played a special role in helping consumer products to comply with the health & safety requirements of European laws for over 25 years. The years to 2020 will see the use of standards extended to the quality & safety of services and to other public policy initiatives (e.g. EU Disability Strategy; Green Public Procurement).
Our volunteers contribute to the progress of the consumer cause. Their work in shaping European standards has led to higher levels of consumer protection and welfare: from safer toys to more accessible domestic appliances; from enhanced data protection in the application of ICT to more energy-efficient products.
Stephen Russell, ANEC Secretary-General, said: “I want to put on public record that the battle for improved consumer protection within Europe could not be fought without our volunteer experts. They are the voice of ANEC and their work makes a real difference to the quality and safety of everyday life. This day is a very appropriate one to thank them unreservedly for their hard work and commitment”.
He added: “We applaud the decision to name 2011 the European Year of Volunteering. It demonstrates an appreciation of the tremendous work done by volunteers. We trust that the European Institutions will seek to strengthen the political and financial support they give to volunteer associations in ensuring that the citizen is put at the heart of EU2020”.
ANEC in brief
Raising standards for consumers
ANEC is the European consumer voice in standardisation, defending consumer interests in the processes of technical standardisation and conformity assessment as well as related legislation and public policies. ANEC was established in 1995 as an international non-profit association under Belgian law and represents consumer organisations from 31 European countries. ANEC is funded by the European Union and EFTA, with national consumer organisations contributing in kind. Its Secretariat is based in Brussels.
More information: www.anec.eu
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Raising standards for consumers
Avenue de Tervueren 32, box 27
BE-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32(0)2 743 24 75
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