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industriAll Europe

Company Description

IndustriAll European Trade Union represents 6.9 million working men and women across supply chains in manufacturing, mining and energy sectors across Europe. IndustriAll Europe aims to protect and advance the rights of these workers.

The federation of trade unions also aims to be a powerful player in the European policy arena vis-à-vis European companies, European industries, employers’ associations and EU institutions.

Trade unions affiliated to the European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF), the European Mine, Chemical and Energy Workers’ Federation (EMCEF) and the European Trade Union Federation for Textiles, Clothing and Leather (ETUF:TCL) joined forces on 16 May 2012 to create the industriAll European Trade Union.

To know more, please visit 

Press Releases of this organisation

IndustriAll Europe, Ceemet, ACEA, CLEPA, CECRA and ETRMA call for an ambitious recovery plan for the automotive sector industriAll Europe Tue, 05/26/2020 Social Europe & Jobs
COVID-19: the EU needs a collective response and workers must be protected industriAll Europe Mon, 03/16/2020 Health & Consumers, InfoSociety
The new EU industrial strategy must be done for workers and with workers industriAll Europe Wed, 03/11/2020 InfoSociety, Social Europe & Jobs
Just Transition Mechanism: off to a good start but our expectations are high industriAll Europe Tue, 01/14/2020 InfoSociety, Social Europe & Jobs
Collective bargaining: getting young workers out of precariousness industriAll Europe Mon, 01/13/2020 InfoSociety, Social Europe & Jobs
The European Green Deal must be social! industriAll Europe Wed, 12/11/2019 Social Europe & Jobs, Climate & Environment
Shipbuilding social partners call for urgent action to safeguard European industry and its workers! industriAll Europe Fri, 11/08/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
Relaunch of social dialogue in the gas sector: addressing uncertainties is imperative for gas sector workers industriAll Europe Tue, 10/29/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
industriAll Europe launched a new campaign ‘Together at Work’ industriAll Europe Tue, 10/01/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
Industry 2030 report is a step towards just transitions industriAll Europe Thu, 06/27/2019 InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise
Labour 4.0. – Strong Collective Bargaining to Shape Digitalisation industriAll Europe Fri, 12/07/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
European Electricity Social Partners join forces on Skills and Qualifications industriAll Europe Tue, 10/23/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
Trade union and worker representatives from all over Europe rally in Brussels to claim more democracy in the workplace industriAll Europe Thu, 10/11/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
IndustriAll Europe & Ceemet join the European Alliance for Apprenticeships and pledge to promote high-quality & effective Vocational Education & Training industriAll Europe Fri, 06/29/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
A solution for at least 70,000 workers needed industriAll Europe Fri, 06/08/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
Unfair US steel and aluminium tariffs: European jobs must be protected from a global trade war! industriAll Europe Fri, 06/01/2018 Trade & Society
Alstom & Siemens’ future at the heart of extraordinary European Action Day industriAll Europe Wed, 05/30/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
Alstom/Siemens: trade unions call for an unprecedented European Action Day industriAll Europe Thu, 05/24/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
ArcelorMittal’s acquisition of Ilva approved by European Commission: workers’ rights and the defence of the steel sector ignored industriAll Europe Wed, 05/09/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
The Future of European Aerospace: support European industry and jobs! industriAll Europe Mon, 05/07/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
General Electric: Workers across Europe carry out multiple actions to oppose new GE restructuring plan! industriAll Europe Fri, 05/04/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
ArcelorMittal: Europe’s strategic industrial assets must be preserved, not dismantled industriAll Europe Wed, 05/02/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
General Electric European Action Day: GE Workers take action against short-sighted strategy industriAll Europe Wed, 04/25/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
General Electric: Stop destroying industrial and social capacities GE needs for long-term growth industriAll Europe Wed, 03/21/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
Unfair US Steel and Aluminium Tariffs: Trade Unions demand protection for jobs and urgent action to deal with the root cause of issue - GLOBAL OVERCAPAPCITY industriAll Europe Fri, 03/09/2018 Social Europe & Jobs, Trade & Society
International Women’s Day 2018: #IwantWorkLifeBalance industriAll Europe Thu, 03/08/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
Alstom & Siemens Mobility: trade unions urge to secure the future of jobs and industry industriAll Europe Tue, 03/06/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
Negotiations in the German Metal industry: IG Metall struck a far-reaching deal in Baden-Württemberg industriAll Europe Tue, 02/06/2018 Trade & Society



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