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Press Releases

E.g., 2024-10-20
E.g., 2024-10-20
HBS - Tricky Business: Der Wettlauf um Ressourcen bedroht Demokratie und Menschenrechte weltweit Heinrich-Böll Stiftung 08 Dec 2017 Sustainable Dev.
S&Ds push to bring the EU’s trade policy into the digital age S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Dec 2017 InfoSociety, Trade & Society
EFSI 2.0: Smart investments to ensure a good future for all Europeans S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Dec 2017 Euro & Finance
ETS: Aviation deal puts pressure on ICAO to deliver real climate benefits S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Dec 2017 Sustainable Dev., Transport, Climate & Environment
FoodDrinkEurope welcomes the finalisation of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement FoodDrinkEurope 11 Dec 2017 Agriculture & Food, Global Europe, Trade & Society
New Report Suggests Ways to Revitalise Global Trade and Multilateral Cooperation EUI - European University Institute 11 Dec 2017 Global Europe, Trade & Society
The World Employment Confederation-Europe Elects New Board European Employers Institute 11 Dec 2017 Social Europe & Jobs
ACCA comments on latest Brexit developments ACCA 08 Dec 2017 UK in Europe
DIE LINKE.: JEFTA: Kommission schließt Verhandlungen ab DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament 08 Dec 2017 Global Europe, Trade & Society
Pittella and Gualtieri: Progress on divorce agreement is positive but still a long road ahead S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Dec 2017 UK in Europe, Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds welcome the EU-Japan agreement concluded today and will now scrutinise it S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Dec 2017 Global Europe, Trade & Society
EU list of priorities for 2018-19 is too weak, S&D wants more for Europeans S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Dec 2017 Euro & Finance, Social Europe & Jobs
NABU: Gefiederte Gäste am Futterhäuschen zählen NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union 08 Dec 2017 Climate & Environment
VDMA: Brexit-Verhandlungen beginnen jetzt erst richtig VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry 08 Dec 2017 UK in Europe, Trade & Society
Kamall: Co-operation not confrontation needed in upcoming talks ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group 08 Dec 2017 UK in Europe
DIE LINKE.: Governance-System der Europäischen Energieunion DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament 07 Dec 2017 Energy
S&Ds score victory on new rules to prevent another Dieselgate scandal S&D - Socialists and Democrats 07 Dec 2017 Sustainable Dev., Transport, Climate & Environment
Danfoss Urges HVAC industry to Embrace Generation Z Danfoss 07 Dec 2017 Development Policy, Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society
The Nuclear Sector Deal Does Little to Solve the Immediate Challenge Facing New Nuclear Projects NNWI - The New Nuclear Watch Institute 07 Dec 2017 Energy, Sustainable Dev., Trade & Society
Dalton: "Car makers trying to cheat emissions tests will be found out." ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group 07 Dec 2017 Sustainable Dev., Transport, Climate & Environment
Maschinenbau lehnt geänderte Anti-Dumping-Instrumente der EU entschieden ab VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry 07 Dec 2017 Trade & Society
S&Ds ensure strong energy targets for member states and the inclusion of energy poverty in the EU strategy S&D - Socialists and Democrats 07 Dec 2017 Energy, Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
NABU: Zahl des Monats: Deutschland importiert Agrar-Produkte im Umfang von 1/3 seiner Anbaufläche NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union 07 Dec 2017 Agriculture & Food, Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
Kepco Investment in Moorside is Welcome but a Future Strike-Price Needs to be Competitive NNWI - The New Nuclear Watch Institute 07 Dec 2017 Energy
ACCA celebrates reaching 200,000-plus global membership ACCA 07 Dec 2017 Euro & Finance
S&Ds condemn Trump playing with fire in Jerusalem S&D - Socialists and Democrats 06 Dec 2017 Global Europe, Justice & Home Affairs, Security
CEEP Comments on the Commission's Proposals for the Economic and Monetary Union CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 06 Dec 2017 Euro & Finance
The World Plastics Council Welcomes New UN Resolution on Marine Litter PlasticsEurope 06 Dec 2017 Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
Aggravation instead of Reconciliation / Verschärfung statt Versöhnung European Left 06 Dec 2017 Global Europe, Languages & Culture, Security
Sponsorship and grass root efforts key for integrating refugees S&D - Socialists and Democrats 06 Dec 2017 Social Europe & Jobs, Justice & Home Affairs, Security


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European Food Banks Federation
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Dods Group Ltd
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