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Press Releases

E.g., 2024-09-10
E.g., 2024-09-10
EU budget - EP vote rubberstamps bad budget deal for Europe's future THE GREENS/EUROPEAN FREE ALLIANCE 01 Dec 2011 Euro & Finance
« La Francophonie : un espace solidaire pour des partenariats innovants dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques » ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 01 Dec 2011 Climate & Environment
Ateliers 2012 pour les fédérations européennes - 7 ateliers sur la communication et le lobbyisme dans l'UE Euractiv 01 Dec 2011 Public Affairs
EU Federation Knowledge Programme 2012 - 7 workshops on EU communication & advocacy Euractiv 01 Dec 2011 Public Affairs
Act now to prevent further spread of HIV/AIDS! GUE/NGL Group in the EP 01 Dec 2011 Health & Consumers
World AIDS Day: Breakthroughs in biotechnology are central to the fight against AIDS EuropaBio 01 Dec 2011 Health & Consumers
‘European Doctors renew their commitment to ensure equitable and high quality health and healthcare’ CPME - The Standing Committee of European Doctors 01 Dec 2011 Health & Consumers
La Francophonie encourage Madagascar à sortir au plus vite de la crise ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 01 Dec 2011 Global Europe
Core principles on fair business relations agreed by food supply chain stakeholders, welcomed by the High Level Forum on a better functioning food supply chain EuroCommerce 30 Nov 2011 Agriculture & Food
EuroCommerce supports Commission initiative on Alternative Dispute Resolution but sees room for improvement EuroCommerce 30 Nov 2011 Trade & Society
Horizon 2020: FoodDrinkEurope calls for a more innovation friendly environment in Europe FoodDrinkEurope 30 Nov 2011 Agriculture & Food
HIV cases continue to rise in Europe: WHO European Region launches new action plan to bring the epidemic under control WHO 30 Nov 2011 Health & Consumers
EU audit rules - Intense lobbying to water down Commission proposals underline need for tougher regulation THE GREENS/EUROPEAN FREE ALLIANCE 30 Nov 2011 Euro & Finance
Supporting women leading international peace and equality movements. GUE/NGL Group in the EP 30 Nov 2011 Social Europe & Jobs
GUE/NGL MEPs contact US authorities to protest treatment of jailed army whistleblower GUE/NGL Group in the EP 30 Nov 2011 Global Europe
Horizon 2020: Biotechnology to play a major role in meeting European ‘Grand Challenges’ EuropaBio 30 Nov 2011 Innovation & Enterprise
Journée mondiale contre le Sida : lutter contre les discriminations faites aux personnes atteintes du virus du VIH et valoriser l’expertise francophone ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 30 Nov 2011 Health & Consumers
Euromed: Information at the heart of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou MEP EPP Group in the European Parliament 30 Nov 2011 Med & South
Competitive postal financial services key to improving financial inclusion ESBG - European Savings Bank Group 30 Nov 2011 Euro & Finance
8 000 patients in 9 Regions of Europe will contribute to assess the global impact of eHealth services in case of chronic disease. EHTEL 30 Nov 2011 Health & Consumers
L’OIF au 4e Forum de haut niveau sur l’efficacité de l’aide ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 29 Nov 2011 Global Europe
Kosovo-Serbia - No EU candidate status for Serbia before peaceful solution in northern Kosovo THE GREENS/EUROPEAN FREE ALLIANCE 29 Nov 2011 Enlargement
Invitation aux médias à l’issue de la 27e Session de la Conférence ministérielle de la Francophonie ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 29 Nov 2011 Global Europe
Vesalius College Starts Master of Science in European Union Policy VUB [IES] - Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Institute for European Studies 29 Nov 2011 Education
First Solar Signs 2˚C Challenge Communiqué First Solar 29 Nov 2011 Climate & Environment
EU CONSULTATION ON COSTING: Disruptive changes to copper pricing methodology would send a wrong signal to investors ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association 29 Nov 2011 InfoSociety
ECTA calls on Commission’s Vice-President Kroes to end unfair subsidies for incumbent telcos ECTA - European Competitive Telecommunications Association 28 Nov 2011 InfoSociety
Highest courts in France and EU confirm France's ban on GM crops is illegal EuropaBio 28 Nov 2011 Innovation & Enterprise
The European Confederation of Woodworking industries re-elects its Chairman and Vice-Chairman and appoints new Board members CEI-Bois 28 Nov 2011 Trade & Society
Declaration of the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) regarding the situation of Slovak Doctors CPME - The Standing Committee of European Doctors 28 Nov 2011 Health & Consumers


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Institut Français de Recherche pour le Développement Durable
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