An easy way of publishing your relevant EU press releases.

Commission policy strategy out of touch with peoples' lives

Responding to the Commission's statement outlining its policy strategy for 2009, German GUE/NGL MEP Helmuth Markov regretted that no tangible programme is available to work on and that "no major strategic changes could be expected."

European Parliament efforts lauded by Orgalime for Marketing of Goods package

Brussels 21 February 2008:
The European Parliament has today endorsed the next step to improve the functioning of the internal market of goods, much to the delight of Orgalime, the European engineering industries association. The decision on the package* is very positive for industry and has potential to serve as a clear and transparent basis for product regulation of the future.

COOPS under threat: Commission's decision might hurt 250 000 co-operatives

The Commission is currently examining so-called claims about state aids and uncompetitive practices against cooperatives and regrettably parts of the Commission continue to display their inclinations to see one business form only. The logic of the co-operative system will not be so easily put aside. Any common approach adopted by the Commission must ensure that competition is NOT reduced through limiting the diversity of entrepreneurial objectives and forms.

COOPS under threat: Commission's decision might hurt 250 000 co-operatives

co-operative system will not be so easily put aside. Any common approach adopted by the Commission must ensure that competition is NOT reduced through limiting the diversity of entrepreneurial objectives and forms.

COOPERATIVES EUROPE believes that efforts to undermine the value of the cooperative enterprise business model are short sighted and originate from the misunderstanding of the ‘co-operative difference’.

New energy and climate package for Europe: The European Commission leads the way towards a massive expansion of wind power

It proposes a stable and flexible EU framework in which Member States keep control of their renewable energy policies through successful national support systems. In addition, cross-border transfer of guarantees of origin can only take place where Member States have met or exceeded their interim targets. For the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), these two elements are crucial for maintaining investor confidence and encouraging substantial investments in green electricity.

Paper industry calls on the Commission to implement the strategies outlined in its Communication for the forest-based sector

The clear need for
efforts to increase the amount of biomass available for bio-energy in order to avoid conflicts of uses by different biomass sectors has now been clearly recognised.

The Communication also goes a long way to reassure the industry and provides support on access to raw materials, innovation, research and international trade.

CEEP wants the mission for flexicurity to have all chances to succeed

After the announcement of the setting up of a “mission for flexicurity” by Vladimir Spidla, Commissioner of DG Employment and Social Affairs during the Informal EPSCO Council in Brdo last Friday, CEEP spoke on behalf of public employers and expressed its willingness to give the mission all chances to succeed.

The world is learning about lab tests…

The Lab Tests Online community celebrated last week in Brussels the arrival of the first versions to Europe, allowing citizens and primary care professionals to access peer reviewed, patient-centred, non-commercial information on laboratory testing, related conditions and screening programmes at one click’s reach.

CPME: Health services: Patients and Medical doctors call for EU action

EPF and CPME: a Health services Directive is needed.
The European Patients’ Forum (EPF)and the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) would like to reiterate their position to the still awaited health
services directive.


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