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Paper industry calls on the Commission to implement the strategies outlined in its Communication for the forest-based sector


Thu, 02/28/2008


Climate & Environment

The clear need for
efforts to increase the amount of biomass available for bio-energy in order to avoid conflicts of uses by different biomass sectors has now been clearly recognised.

The Communication also goes a long way to reassure the industry and provides support on access to raw materials, innovation, research and international trade.

In the communication, adopted today the Commission also says that pulp and paper will be among the sectors that
could be given free carbon emission permits in the EU's emission trading scheme. For the European paper industry to remain competitive it is essential that it continues to be recognised as an energy-intensive industry.
“We are at a crossroads, on the one hand we will work with the European Commission to implement the actions identified in the Communication but on the other we need to ensure that the proposals, published in the Climate Change and Energy Package, allow us to do it by not
impeding our competitiveness and there are still several unanswered questions.” said Teresa Presas, Managing Director, CEPI.

“It is essential that the contribution of the pulp and paper energy to delivering renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions is recognised and that the increasing competition for wood does not result in a negative impact on the competitiveness of our sector in Europe.” She added.

“The recent UNCCP 4th Assessment Report concluded that in the long term a sustainable forest management strategy aimed at maintaining or increasing forest carbon stocks, while producing and annual sustained yield of timber, fibre or energy from the forest will generate the largest sustained mitigation benefit and this needs to be clearly reflected in the European Commission’s policies and actions in future if carbon leakage from the pulp and paper industry is to be
prevented.” concluded Ms. Presas.

For more information please contact:
Martyn Griffiths, Communications & Public Affairs Director:, +322 6274926


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