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Environment Committee: For ambitious recycling rates and efficient Waste-to-Energy Plants

With the acceptance of the ambitious energy efficiency criteria for Waste-to-Energy plants the Parliament’s Environment Committee took an important step towards climate protection in yesterday’s vote on the Waste Framework Directive.

Efficient Waste-to-Energy plants, together with high recycling rates pave the way towards sustainable waste and energy management in the future.

FIA member Automobile Club of Luxembourg ACL offers driver training to Intelligent Car Quiz winners

Among the new technologies addressed in the Intelligent Car Quiz are Electronic Stability Control (ESC), emergency Call (eCall), Gear Shift Indicator (GSI) and Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS).

“Intelligent Car technologies can make mobility safer, greener and smarter” Werner Kraus, Chairman of the FIA Eurocouncil said. “We need better public awareness,
greater availability and government incentives to encourage the use of technologies such as ESC and eCall.”


After the Laval-Vaxholm case in Sweden and the Viking Line case in Finland, we now have the Rüffert case in Germany. Once again, within the space of a couple of weeks, the European Court of Justice has just handed down a ruling legitimating "social dumping".
Each time it bases its judgement on the European treaties, the directives resulting from these and its own case law to cover the refusal of a company to respect a collective agreement.

Commercial broadcasters call for strengthened protection of conditional access services at EU-level

Brussels, 7 April 2008 – In response to the public consultation on the Conditional Access Directive (98/84/EC), the Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) calls on the European Commission to further strengthen the Directive. The Conditional Access Directive was adopted in 1998 and plays a useful role in providing a high level of harmonisation of legal protection for conditional access based services. European satellite pay-TV services are a multibillion Euro sector contributing to the objectives laid

HOPE joins the EUNetPaS project as leader on medication safety

HOPE is particularly enthusiastic on the occasion of the launch of the European Union Network for Patient Safety project (EUNetPaS). HOPE believes the project, to be funded by the European Commission, will significantly contribute to the improvement of Safety for Patients all over the European Union.

The general aim of this 30 months project is to establish an umbrella network of all 27 EU Member States and EU stakeholders to encourage and enhance collaboration in the field of Patient Safety.

CIAA preliminary comment on the Proposal for a Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources

While the proposed directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources introduced a number of improvements compared to earlier draft (in particular as regards some flexibility provided to Member States to implement the biofuels target in the run-up to 2020 and the introduction of a monitoring system), these elements are far from sufficient to address core food and drink industry concerns as regards the potential impact the policy will have on the availability of raw materials for food and feed production.

CompTIA Says Apparent ISO / IEC “Yes” Vote Represents Win for Choice

The following statement may be attributed to Jan van den Beld, ISO-process consultant for CompTIA, and former Secretary General of Ecma International, the body which brought OOXML to ISO:

Joint Statement by CLEPA, JAPIA, and MEMA

Brussels, 01/04/2008

CLEPA aisbl

Joint Statement by CLEPA, JAPIA, and MEMA Announcing a Cooperative Effort to Fight Counterfeiting and Violations of Intellectual Property Rights

Representatives of CLEPA, the European association of automotive suppliers, the Japan Auto Parts Industry Association (JAPIA) and the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA), which represents North American motor vehicle parts suppliers, recently met to discuss the issue of counterfeiting and IPR and issued the following statement:

1. AIM, the European Brands Association representing European manufacturers of branded consumer goods, recognises that consumers’ lifestyles may have longterm
consequences for their health and well-being;
2. Health has been defined by the World Health Organisation as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” It is an ideal and therefore
efforts to contribute to people’s health and well-being should be measured by reference to their incremental contribution;

The hope for the reunification of Cyprus is back

By Francis WURTZ,
President of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left group in the European Parliament
After his meeting with the new President of the Republic of Cyprus Dimitris CHRISTOFIAS

Nicosia 26 March 2008,


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