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Automobile Club Action Plus and Automobile Club Prévention of France join European Road Safety Charter initiative

Informing and educating motorists about road safety issues and promoting defensive and responsible behaviour by all road users are the commitments made in Paris by the Automobile Club Action Plus and Automobile Club Prévention of France when signing the European Road Safety Charter.

Better coordination needed, not a Bolkestein approach to social security

"We have an EU-wide single currency but no coordination of social security rules for workers" remarked GUE/NGL MEP Dimitrios Papadimoulis (Greece) speaking during the debate on an EP report on proposals to overhaul these regulations in the European Parliament today.

Raising the costs of motoring do not benefit the environment

“The proposals published today by the European Commission will only raise the costs of motoring while not bringing any benefits to the environment” declared Wil Botman, Director-General of the FIA European Bureau. 

Promoting the competitiveness of european agro-food SMEs

(Brussels, 2 July 2008) As the European Commission steps up its efforts to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU food and drink industry, CIAA (the Confederation of the food and drink industries of the EU) calls on authorities to streamline and reinforce actions to allow SMEs to grow, create jobs and make full use of their innovative capacities.

EU/Fisheries: reinforcing the identity of the fisheries section of COGECA

Brussels: On  the  occasion  of  his  election  into  the  presidency  of  the  COGECA  fisheries section,  the newly elected President, Giampaolo BUONFIGLIO  from  Italy, declared a  keen interest  in  working  as  part  of  a  team  alongside  the  two  Vice-Presidents,  José  Ramón FUERTES GAMUNDI  (ES) and Gerard VAN BALSFOORT  (NL)  in highlighting  the  sector’s specific characteristics.

Review of EU Telecoms Package: Parliament gives priority to new high speed broadband networks for consumers and businesses

Brussels – ETNO recognises that the European Parliament ITRE and IMCO committees and their respective rapporteurs, Catherine Trautmann, Pilar del Castillo and Malcolm Harbour have completed their reports on the telecoms package within a particularly short timeframe. ETNO welcomes the attention paid by the rapporteurs to find appropriate solutions and set the right conditions for investments to ensure that consumers and businesses can benefit from high speed networks, while maintaining highly competitive markets. 

Telecoms package: EU-wide spectrum management for full benefits of wireless services

Radio spectrum use must be co-ordinated and harmonised across the EU to enable citizens to benefit from new electronic services like mobile broadband internet access, says the Industry Committee.

CESI Commentary on the Commissions proposal for an Anti-Discrimination Directive

“The CESI welcomes the Commissions intention to promote equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, but we highly regret that the Commissions proposal for an Anti-Discrimination Directive did not take a wider approach. Excluding gender motivated discrimination in the new directive follows the Commissions line to try and deal with discrimination in segmented fields.

EurActiv goes local: Portals discuss the payment services directive at national level

EurActiv special coverage in Bulgaria, France, Germany, Poland and Romania 

By January 2010, the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is set to create a zone in which all crossborder payments for both consumers and business will be treated as domestic.

ECTA warns of threat to broadband competition from EU Parliament Telecoms Proposals

Brussels, 08 July 2008 – The European Competitive Telecoms Association, the pro competition group, gave a cautious welcome to proposals from the European Parliament to amend the EU Telecoms Framework, but warned that many of the amendments approved by the European Parliament’s Industry Committee on 7 July protect and favour dominant firms at the expense of competition in the telecoms sector.


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