EU/Fisheries: reinforcing the identity of the fisheries section of COGECA
Brussels: On the occasion of his election into the presidency of the COGECA fisheries section, the newly elected President, Giampaolo BUONFIGLIO from Italy, declared a keen interest in working as part of a team alongside the two Vice-Presidents, José Ramón FUERTES GAMUNDI (ES) and Gerard VAN BALSFOORT (NL) in highlighting the sector’s specific characteristics.
“The soaring prices of fuel on an unprecedented scale combined with a less than favourable market situation for fishery products means that Europe’s cooperative sector has to reposition itself and increase levels of cooperation,” was the message from Giampaolo BUONFIGLIO who wishes to “reinforce the identity of the COGECA fisheries section, defend the cooperative code of ethics in the numerous measures being prepared by the Commission and encourage national organisations for fishery organisations which are not yet represented in COGECA to sign up.”