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Company Description

Camfil Farr is a global manufacturer of air filtration equipment and associated services and the world leader in the production and development of air filters.  They recently became the first manufacturing company in the UK to be awarded Energy Management Standard BS EN 16001.

Press Releases of this organisation

Brussels, 5 June 2013 – Camfil at Green Week 2013: “There is only one air: better indoor air for better health” CAMFIL Wed, 06/05/2013 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
Experts request Commission to take immediate action on indoor air quality CAMFIL Thu, 02/21/2013 Climate & Environment, EU Priorities 2020, Health & Consumers
Air pollution from diesel engines exhausts causes cancer. What consequences for Indoor Air Quality? CAMFIL Mon, 06/18/2012 Health & Consumers
First in Malaysia, Camfil Farr obtains ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems certification CAMFIL Thu, 12/08/2011 Climate & Environment, Energy
Clean air in Place Luxembourg? CAMFIL Thu, 10/20/2011 Sustainable Dev., Health & Consumers
Camfil Farr’s position on Ecodesign directive on EUP – Lot 6 Air conditioning and ventilation systems CAMFIL Fri, 09/30/2011 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers, Energy
Camfil Farr publishes Sustainability Report 2010-11 CAMFIL Wed, 09/07/2011 Climate & Environment, Energy, Sustainable Dev.
Camfil Farr UK becomes the first Gold Sponsor of Clean Air in London CAMFIL Tue, 09/06/2011 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers
Camfil Farr Low energy air filter shortlisted for prestigious HVAC industry award CAMFIL Wed, 07/20/2011 Energy
Sustainability Live 2011 - Camfil teams up with BSI to deliver Keynote session: Early Success of BSI Kitemark and Energy Reduction Verification CAMFIL Thu, 06/09/2011 Energy, Climate & Environment
"OSH Management System: A tool for continual improvement at Camfil Farr" CAMFIL Thu, 04/21/2011 Health & Consumers, Energy, Climate & Environment
Camfil wins air conditioning product award for their low energy air filters at HVAC industry awards CAMFIL Thu, 04/21/2011 Health & Consumers, Energy, Climate & Environment


Sales Executive
ECA - European Cockpit Association
Junior Aviation Safety Coordinator
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Digital & Competitiveness Policy Internship
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Energy & Environment Policy Internship
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
EU Director
AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers
Communications Assistant
Membership Intern