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Brussels, 5 June 2013 – Camfil at Green Week 2013: “There is only one air: better indoor air for better health”


Wed, 06/05/2013


Climate & Environment
Health & Consumers
Sustainable Dev.

On 5 June 2013, Ms Myriam Tryjefaczka, Sustainable Development Manager at Camfil, participated in the session on Indoor Air Quality “There is only one air: better indoor air for better health”, where she called on EU policymakers to step up and harmonise legislation on Indoor Air Quality across Europe.

This year’s Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environmental policy, is dedicated to Air Quality, as 2013 has been designated European Year of Air. A comprehensive review of EU air policy is scheduled to take place in fall 2013. 

In her presentation during the Indoor Air Quality session, Ms Tryjefaczka referred to the tangible benefits of tackling indoor air pollution in terms of health, productivity and energy efficiency given that the indoor environment, where Europeans spend 90% of their time, can be up to 50 times more polluted than outdoors. She also pointed out that ventilation systems, with adequate design and maintenance, can reduce people exposure to indoor air pollution.

Ms Tryjefaczka stressed that “2013 is the EU Year or Air and therefore an opportunity to create a better environment for EU citizens, not only outdoors, but also indoors”. She called for the inclusion of the indoor air quality dimension into the upcoming Commission’s communication on the review of the EU air quality strategy and joined other participants in encouraging the European Commission to launch the debate on the future EU framework on indoor air quality with a Green Paper.

The session on Indoor Air Quality, which addressed the main causes and health impacts of poor indoor air quality and possible solutions, was chaired by Mr Charles Price, from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers. Ms Catherine Stihler MEP spoke about citizens’ concerns about air quality in buildings. A number of research projects were also presented, including HealthVent which aims to develop health-based ventilation guidelines for Europe, Promoting Actions for Healthy Indoor Air (IAIAQ) and EPHECT, which focuses on consumer products.

The Camfil Farr Group is a world leader in the development and production of air filters and clean air solutions. Camfil Farr is a global company with 29 subsidiaries, 23 production plants and an extensive network of agents in Europe, North America and Asia. Camfil Farr’s products are used in offices, clean rooms for sensitive electronics production, mines, factories, hospitals and nuclear power stations.

For further information, please contact Myriam Tryjefaczka at Camfil Farr at




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