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World Employment Confederation–Europe

Company Description

About the World Employment Confederation–Europe: The World Employment Confederation-Europe is the voice of the employment industry at European level, representing labour market enablers.

With 29 countries and 7 of the largest international workforce solutions companies as members, the World Employment Confederation–Europe is fully representative of the industry, both in size and diversity. It brings a unique access to and engagement with European policymakers (EU Commission, European Parliament, and Council) and stakeholders (trade unions, academic world, think tanks). 

The World Employment Confederation-Europe strives for a recognition of the economic and social role played by the industry in enabling work, adaptation, security and prosperity in our societies. Its members provide access to the labour market and meaningful work to more than 11,6 millions of people in Europe and serve around 1,5 millions organisations on a yearly basis.

Press Releases of this organisation

Europe remains core market for private employment industry World Employment Confederation–Europe Wed, 03/27/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
Employment confederation calls for cooperation with European policymakers to adjust labour regulation World Employment Confederation–Europe Thu, 09/22/2016 Social Europe & Jobs
India, home to the world’s largest and youngest workforce, hosts Ciett employment and recruitment industry global conference World Employment Confederation–Europe Tue, 05/17/2016 Global Europe, Innovation & Enterprise, Social Europe & Jobs
New EU Employment Package focuses on the right labour market challenges to be tackled but lacks recognition of the essential role to be played by private employment services World Employment Confederation–Europe Thu, 04/19/2012 Social Europe & Jobs
Integrating private employment services in youth employment policies will avoid risk of lost generation World Employment Confederation–Europe Tue, 03/27/2012 Innovation & Enterprise
Economic and Social Committee launch 2012 video challenge titled 'Europe Past Forward' World Employment Confederation–Europe Mon, 01/09/2012 Social Europe & Jobs
Eurociett warning: Implementation of Agency Work Directive unbalanced World Employment Confederation–Europe Mon, 12/05/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
Agency work continues to display link with unemployment level World Employment Confederation–Europe Wed, 07/06/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
Europe needs labour law fit for the 21st century says Eurociett as Tripartite Social Summit discusses reforms needed for job creation World Employment Confederation–Europe Fri, 03/25/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
European Job Vacancy Monitor: Leading business indicator shares expertise in new Commission report World Employment Confederation–Europe Wed, 11/24/2010 Social Europe & Jobs
Agency work contributes to work mobility by securing upwards transitions Agency work helps young people to enter and progress through the labour market World Employment Confederation–Europe Wed, 11/17/2010 Social Europe & Jobs
Youth on the Move initiative will help integrate young people into the employment market World Employment Confederation–Europe Thu, 09/16/2010 Social Europe & Jobs
Eurociett unveils 10 recommendations to unlock the contribution of the agency work industry to reach the Europe 2020 employment targets World Employment Confederation–Europe Wed, 06/23/2010 Social Europe & Jobs
Collaboration between Public and Private employment services could enhance labour market participation across the EU World Employment Confederation–Europe Thu, 05/27/2010 Social Europe & Jobs
AGENCY WORK CAN CONTRIBUTE TO EU 2020 STRATEGY TARGETS OF GROWTH AND JOBS World Employment Confederation–Europe Mon, 03/22/2010 Social Europe & Jobs
Launch of European Observatory on Cross Border Temporary Agency Work World Employment Confederation–Europe Fri, 12/04/2009 Social Europe & Jobs
Agency Work industry contributes to Post 2010 Lisbon Strategy discussions World Employment Confederation–Europe Tue, 10/13/2009 Social Europe & Jobs
Eurociett has signed a partnership agreement with EurActiv World Employment Confederation–Europe Fri, 07/17/2009 Social Europe & Jobs
Agency work offers solutions to short- & long term employment challenges World Employment Confederation–Europe Tue, 06/16/2009 Social Europe & Jobs
In times of crisis, contribution of private employment agencies crucial to implementing public employment policies World Employment Confederation–Europe Wed, 05/20/2009 Social Europe & Jobs
Successful implementation of the newly adopted Directive on Temporary Agency Work should involve sectoral social partners World Employment Confederation–Europe Thu, 02/12/2009 Social Europe & Jobs
UNI GLOBAL UNION AND CIETT CORPORATE MEMBERS LAUNCH global dialogue on temporary agency work World Employment Confederation–Europe Wed, 11/12/2008 Social Europe & Jobs
EUROCIETT welcomes the adoption of the agency work directive by the European Parliament World Employment Confederation–Europe Mon, 10/27/2008 Innovation & Enterprise, Competition, Social Europe & Jobs
News Release from the Federation of Private Employment Agencies [EUROCIETT World Employment Confederation–Europe Wed, 10/01/2008 Innovation & Enterprise, Social Europe & Jobs
The EU Employment Council’s Poilitica Agreement on Agency Work Directive is an Important Step Towards an Improved Recognition of World Employment Confederation–Europe Tue, 06/10/2008 Public Affairs, Innovation & Enterprise, Euro & Finance, Competition, Social Europe & Jobs, EU Priorities 2020
Eurociett/UNI-Europa Joint Declaration on the Directive on working conditions for temporary agency workers World Employment Confederation–Europe Thu, 05/29/2008 Innovation & Enterprise, Competition, Social Europe & Jobs


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