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Youth on the Move initiative will help integrate young people into the employment market


Thu, 09/16/2010


Social Europe & Jobs

Eurociett calls on Commission to support the role of Agency Work in increasing youth labour market participation

Brussels, 16 September 2010 – Eurociett, the voice of the Agency Work Industry in Europe, applauds the Commission’s Youth on the Move initiative to be adopted on 17 September and emphasises the importance of training and mobility in integrating young people into the labour market.

“Young people are the best represented demographic in the agency work industry and this is often their first experience of the world of work,” explains Denis Pennel, managing director of Eurociett.  “Our industry is close to the workplace.  We understand the skills that employers need and provide ongoing training and skills enhancement for workers in order to equip them for the jobs available and effectively match supply with demand.”

Eurociett calls on the European Commission to support the role of the Agency Work Industry in increasing labour market participation, particularly for youth and the long-term unemployed.  The sector facilitates transitions in the workplace - from unemployment to work, from shrinking sectors to growing sectors, acting as a stepping stone from temporary employment to full time jobs.

A recent survey undertaken across Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK for France’s Observatoire des Métiers et de l’Emploi*, revealed that the overwhelming majority of people found agency work to be an effective method of finding a first job (ranging from 59% in Germany to 92% in the UK) with a high proportion also seeing temporary agency work as an effective way to find a full time job (from 40% in Italy to 90% in the UK).

Supporting and promoting cooperation between public and private employment services will also serve to tackle unemployment and drive inclusive labour markets.  “Our sector already works closely with public employment services in many markets across Europe – notably in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK – and those countries that embrace such modern labour market practices have been the most resilient in the recent economic crisis,” continued Pennel.

 “Ensuring Europe’s young people have the training, knowledge and expertise necessary to integrate into the workforce will be essential if Europe is to achieve its 2020 Strategy of smart, inclusive and sustainable growth.  The Agency Work Industry welcomes the Youth on the Move initiative and is committed to continue to play its part in increasing participation, mobility and facilitating transitions in the labour market,” concluded Pennel.

*5373 people were polled in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK. Data was weighted demographically according to age, sex and occupational status.


About Eurociett

As the European confederation of private employment agencies, Eurociett is the authoritative voice representing the common interests of the agency work industry in Europe. Bringing together 27 national federations and six of the largest multinational staffing companies as well as tens of thousands of SMEs, Eurociett accounts for more than 90% of the organised agency work sector in Europe. More info at

For further information, please contact:

Denis Pennel

Managing Director


Tel: +32 475 86 75 10


James Gribben

Eurociett Communications & Economic Affairs Advisor

Tel: +32 2 421 15 87