Agency work contributes to work mobility by securing upwards transitions Agency work helps young people to enter and progress through the labour market


Wed, 11/17/2010


Social Europe & Jobs

Brussels, 17 November 2010; In response to the EU’s celebration of Job Mobility Day, and its focus on the plight of young people entering the workplace, Eurociett emphasises the role that agency work plays in facilitating job mobility though upwards transitions in the labour market.

“59%* of workers in the agency sector are aged below thirty, and for many of them, our industry is their first experience of the workplace” explained Denis Pennel, managing director of Eurociett, the voice of private employment agencies in Europe.

“Whether people are transitioning from education or unemployment to work, or from a temporary contract to a permanent one, the agency work industry is there to facilitate and accompany the process.  By providing work opportunities and access to vocational training, the sector secures upwards transitions encouraging its workers to progress in the labour market.”

The agency work industry stays close to the workplace so understands what sectors and employers need.  It is then able to match supply with demand and to train workers to fill the vacancies available.  The industry works increasingly closely with public employment services across Europe in order to maximise synergies and increase labour market participation.

According to a poll** carried out among 5,373 of the general public across 8 European countries, the overwhelming majority of people believe that agency work is a good way to make the transition into the job market for the first time. The United Kingdom and Belgium hold this view most strongly with 93% and 86% respectively agreeing that agency work is an effective means of getting a first contract.



*Source: Ciett national Federations

**Source: Observatoire des Métiers et de l’Emploi - Regards croisés sur l’intérim 2010. 5373 people were polled in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK. Data was weighted demographically according to age, sex and occupational status.



For further information, please contact:

James Gribben

Eurociett Communications and Economic Affairs Advisor

Tel: +32 2 421 15 87 or

As the European confederation of private employment agencies, Eurociett is the authoritative voice representing the common interests of the agency work industry in Europe. Bringing together 27 national federations and six of the largest multinational staffing companies as well as tens of thousands of SMEs, Eurociett accounts for more than 90% of the organised agency work sector in Europe. More info at


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