British and fellow Europeans gather to call to Stop Brexit and Vote for Europe |
Pro Europa |
Wed, 03/20/2019 |
UK in Europe |
S&Ds: Partnership between African-Caribbean-Pacific States and the EU must be reinforced, also to tackle tragedy such as the tropical cyclone Idai |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/20/2019 |
Climate & Environment |
S&Ds welcome provisional agreement on the ambitious EU research programme - Horizon Europe |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/20/2019 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
Eurogas signs partnership with European Utility Week and POWERGEN Europe |
eurogas |
Wed, 03/20/2019 |
Energy |
DIE LINKE.: Neuauflage des Refugee and Migrant Parliaments |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Wed, 03/20/2019 |
Global Europe |
DIE LINKE.: Etappensieg für soziale Recht auf dem Binnenmarkt |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Tue, 03/19/2019 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
NABU reicht EU-Beschwerde gegen Offshore-Windpark Butendiek ein |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Wed, 03/20/2019 |
Climate & Environment |
NABU: Schon rund 13.800 Schwalbenfreunde in Deutschland |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Mon, 03/18/2019 |
Climate & Environment |
NABU: Klimaangepasst Gärtnern |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Fri, 03/15/2019 |
Agriculture & Food, Climate & Environment |
New European Employment Barometer Tracks Labour Market Data |
European Employers Institute |
Wed, 03/20/2019 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
S&Ds achieve better co-ordination of social security systems in the interest of workers |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/20/2019 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Animal conservation groups unite to urge the EU to protect giraffes from wildlife trade |
IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare |
Tue, 03/19/2019 |
Climate & Environment |
Closing the accounting for intangibles gap - ACCA and Deloitte report looks at what drives value in modern business |
Tue, 03/19/2019 |
Euro & Finance |
Proposed EU Eco-Design Regulation on Electronic Displays - Ban on Halogenated Flame Retardants in casings and stands of certain electronic displays |
Tue, 03/19/2019 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
S&Ds launch ‘The European week for democracy’ that will culminate in a march for Europe on Sunday. Do not leave the EU in the hands of populists and extremists. Join us! |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Mon, 03/18/2019 |
Global Europe |
New Global Bladder Cancer Patient Organization launches |
Fight Bladder Cancer |
Mon, 03/18/2019 |
Health & Consumers |
Ceemet welcomes the extension vote in the House of Commons |
Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers |
Fri, 03/15/2019 |
UK in Europe |
The Club of Rome Supports Global Student Climate Protests |
The Club of Rome |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Climate & Environment |
DIE LINKE.: EU-Parlament fordert höhere CO2-Einsparungen - wichtiges Signal für Strukturwandel |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Climate & Environment |
DIE LINKE.: Tajani muss als EP-Präsident zurücktreten |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Global Europe |
S&Ds push for a deep reform of EU governance to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Public Affairs |
S&Ds push to make eurozone governance more stable and democratic |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Euro & Finance |
S&Ds: We call for a stronger EU 2020 Budget on Youth and Climate that lives up to citizens’ expectations and tackles global challenges |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Euro & Finance |
DIE LINKE.: Handelspräferenzen: Das Kriterium „Armut“ muss durch „Einhaltung der Menschenrechte“ ersetzt werden |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
DIE LINKE.: Sacharow-Preise sind schön, aber zu wenig: Lasst Nasrin Sotoudeh frei! |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Global Europe |
NABU: Je wilder, desto wertvoller! |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Agriculture & Food, Climate & Environment |
Gender fairness needs strong commitment without playing games |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
DIE LINKE.: EU-Türkei-Bericht: Nicht die Türen zuschlagen, die Türkei ist mehr als Erdoğan |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Wed, 03/13/2019 |
Global Europe |
EU takes significant step to end letterbox companies in the EU and to protect workers |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 03/14/2019 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Katarina Barley, Constanze Krehl & Udo Bullmann in Leipzig: #EuropeTogether for our Digital Future! |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/13/2019 |
InfoSociety |