An easy way of publishing your relevant EU press releases.

European Member States plan for health in 2020

WHO launches consultation process on new European health policy and reviews implementation of Tallinn Charter

Copenhagen and Andorra la Vella, 9 March 2011

The EU can act differently, correctly, in the Middle East

Referring to the attitude of the European Union regarding the events unfolding in the Arab world, GUE/NGL MEP Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (Cyprus) said:


"The EU confuses immobility with stability; this attitude is reprehensible since it failed to hear the calls for freedom and social justice of the peoples of the region".

Détente and diplomacy for a constructive Iran strategy

"Although the Belder report had been considerably improved through amendments, the policy of sanctions upheld in this report is unlikely to improve the situation in any sustainable way," said GUE/NGL MEP Sabine Lösing (Germany) speaking during the debate on the future of EU relations with Iran in the European Parliament this afternoon.


Unfortunately the basic philosophy of realistic future prospects is not developed in the report, she said, while stressing that the human rights situation in Iran is intolerable.


Medienfreiheit und EU-Medienberichterstattung: verbundene Herausforderungen?

Fondation EurActiv PoliTech leitet heute eine Blogdebatte ein und plant für Juni einen Stakeholder Workshop über Medienfreiheit und unabhängigen Journalismus. Beide Initiativen sollen diskutieren, wie – und wie oft – Journalisten EU-Politikdebatten decken. Die Debatte wird auf stattfinden, der sozialmedialen Plattform, die sich EU-Politiken widmet.

European Doctors Warmly Welcome the EP Report on Health Inequalities and call on Member States to coordinate actions

At its plenary session of 8 March 2011, the European Parliament adopted the ‘Report on Health Inequalities’, drafted by rapporteur MEP Estrela. The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) warmly welcomes the adoption of this report as a step towards committed action against health inequalities in Europe.

Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050

The potential of the ICT sector to assist in achieving CO2 emissions reductions throughout the economy must be fully exploited

Turkey's EU membership progress overshadowed by blocking member states


The European Parliament today adopted its report on Turkey's progress towards EU membership. The Greens believe the whole Turkish accession process is overshadowed by opposition to its membership by certain EU member states. After the vote, Green MEP and chair of the EP's Turkey delegation Hélène Flautre said:

European industrial renewal

European industrial policy must focus on energy and resource efficiency


The European Parliament today adopted the Lange report on "Industrial policy for the globalised era" responding to the EU 2020 flagship initiative issued in October 2010 by the Commission. After the vote, Green industrial spokesperson Reinhard Bütikofer said:

Industrial policy proposals need more ambition

Regretting MEPs' decision to maintain the most negative aspects of the Lange report on industrial policy for the globalized era, Portuguese GUE/NGL MEP Ilda Figueiredo said that while the text recognized the key elements for sustainable growth and employment in Europe, today's passing of proposals which insist on liberalization, synergy with military research, and risk capital make it unsupportable.

GUE/NGL Press: core issues still need to be addressed for Turkey accession

The European parliament voted today the 2010 progress report on Turkey. MEP GUE/NGL Takis Hadjigeorgiou (Cyprus) said:


"We support Turkey's accession and welcome any progress made in the country first and foremost for the benefit of its people; but we underline the need to meet all the Copenhagen criteria and obligations towards the EU and all its Member States, like any other candidate country. Turkey should implement the Additional Protocol if it wishes to progress in the accession negotiations".


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