Passenger rights legislation requires sound impact assessment |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Wed, 06/03/2009 |
Transport |
ENEL: Board of directors sets the terms of the campany's rights offering |
Enel |
Wed, 06/03/2009 |
ENEL: Agreed disposal of 80% equity stake in ENEL rete gas to F2i and AXA private equity |
Enel |
Wed, 06/03/2009 |
ENEL: Consob approves the italian prospectus for ENEL's rights ofering; calendar for the offering fixed. |
Enel |
Wed, 06/03/2009 |
Press Release Europe must act for its dairy farms and it must act now |
Copa-Cogeca |
Tue, 06/02/2009 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
International Transport Forum |
UITP - International Association of Public Transport |
Fri, 05/29/2009 |
Transport |
Orgalime welcomes Competitiveness Council’s conclusions |
Orgalime |
Fri, 05/29/2009 |
Sustainable Dev. |
ANEC Statement on accessibility of voting |
ANEC - The European Consumer Voice in Standardisation |
Fri, 05/29/2009 |
Health & Consumers, InfoSociety |
Global Forest Products Industry CEOs call for a level playing field to reboot global economy |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Fri, 05/29/2009 |
Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev. |
EU Midwifery Regulators agree to new network |
Thu, 05/28/2009 |
Health & Consumers |
Commercial vehicle manufacturers: EU governments and institutions must take immediate crisis-relief measures |
ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers' Association |
Thu, 05/28/2009 |
Transport |
ITF-IRU Workshop: Road transport can drive global economic recovery |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Thu, 05/28/2009 |
Transport |
ENISA issues three recommendations in reports on technologies to improve resilience of communication networks |
Thu, 05/28/2009 |
Global Europe, InfoSociety, Justice & Home Affairs |
UITP World Congress and Exhibition: Mayors at the forefront of mobility in urban centres |
UITP - International Association of Public Transport |
Wed, 05/27/2009 |
Transport |
ENEL launches online conciliation services to settle disputes with electricity and gas customers in Italy |
Enel |
Wed, 05/27/2009 |
Olive oil: Copa and Cogeca support private storage but request improvements in its implementation |
Copa-Cogeca |
Tue, 05/26/2009 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
Exceptional EU dairy crisis requires an exceptional and urgent response |
Copa-Cogeca |
Mon, 05/25/2009 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
CEEP Statement on the (future) Review of EU Telecoms Rules |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
Fri, 05/22/2009 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Strategic Framework for Euopean Cooperation in education and training |
Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers |
Wed, 05/20/2009 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
In times of crisis, contribution of private employment agencies crucial to implementing public employment policies |
World Employment Confederation–Europe |
Wed, 05/20/2009 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
ENEL MARITZA EAST 3 TPP celebrates teh successful completion of its rehabilitation and modernization programme |
Enel |
Tue, 05/19/2009 |
Climate & Environment |
Business opportunities lie ahead for European agri-cooperatives |
Copa-Cogeca |
Tue, 05/19/2009 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
APEAL welcomes European Commission’s communication on beverage packaging |
APEAL - The Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging |
Tue, 05/19/2009 |
Sustainable Dev. |
ACEA News Flash |
ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers' Association |
Tue, 05/19/2009 |
Transport |
Food stakeholders and European Commission join forces to address food sustainability |
FoodDrinkEurope |
Tue, 05/19/2009 |
Health & Consumers |
CIAA welcomes EU-US deal putting an end to the hormone beef dispute |
FoodDrinkEurope |
Tue, 05/19/2009 |
Health & Consumers |
E_news - News from Enel’s world |
Enel |
Mon, 05/18/2009 |
Climate & Environment |
ENEL : Board of directors approves results at 31 |
Enel |
Mon, 05/18/2009 |
Climate & Environment |
A joint venture including ENEL awarded with exploration block in the offshore Nile Delta, Egypt |
Enel |
Mon, 05/18/2009 |
Climate & Environment |
ENEL, ENI and GAZPROM sign new agreement on Severenergia |
Enel |
Mon, 05/18/2009 |
Climate & Environment |