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European parquet consumption in 2011: stable picture, with important variations in different markets

FEP, the European Federation of the Parquet Industry with seat in Brussels, presently estimates that based on preliminary information obtained from member companies and discussed at the recent DOMOTEX fair in Hannover, global parquet consumption in 2011 on the European market remained stable in comparison with the previous year. The general picture, however, is not uniform and the market performance varies considerably from country to country. First indications point towards a similar situation as regards parquet production, though complete data are not yet available at this stage.

Eurometaux welcomes the EP Plenary vote on the 2nd reading agreement on “recast proposals for the Waste Electric & Electronic Equipment Directive”

Eurometaux welcomes the ambitious agreement reached by trialogue negotiations on the recast of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, which recognises the importance of WEEE as a secondary resource for critical raw materials, and which has been confirmed on the Parliamentary side by the EP Plenary vote on 19 January.

Eurometaux welcomes the EP’s recognition of the importance of WEEE as a secondary resource shown by:

A strong European Union needs strong Public Services

“One thing is for sure: We need a strong European Union”, said Hans-Joachim Reck, President of the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public services (CEEP), during his welcoming speech in Brussels. With Europe's challenges ahead the ambitions must be even stronger, not weaker. However, the official motto of the European Union does also say: ‘United in diversity’. This means that many different cultures, traditions and languages in Europe are a positive asset.

Trade in ECO region hindered by border crossings

Preliminary analytical results of the joint IRU- ECO initiative to monitor trade via international road transport confirm the need to urgently implement the key UN multilateral trade and road transport facilitation instruments, as 30% of transport time is lost at borders while ‘unofficial payments’ account for 28% of transport costs.

Time to tackle food wastage: FoodDrinkEurope welcomes EU Parliament report

FoodDrinkEurope welcomes the adoption of the European Parliament’s report today on “How to avoid food wastage: Strategies for a more efficient food chain in the EU”.

Finding solutions to food wastage is a key priority for the food and drink industry because the resources and sustainability measures put into the production of food, such as the raw materials, water and fuels, are also wasted when food is wasted for example, in households.

Biocide deal heralds confusion over labelling

Today, the European Parliament has confirmed the agreement it struck with the Council at the end of November of the use of biocidal products and their placing on the market. EuroCommerce implores the Commission, as a matter of urgency, to publish guidelines on the labelling requirements introduced by this Regulation and calls for a better flow of information along the supply chain. 

Persistence has paid off: new rules for electronic waste

After today's vote on the recast of the Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), GUE/NGL MEP Sabine Wils said: "I welcome the outcome of today's vote. After two years of hard work, an improved version of WEEE will be adopted. A better scope, higher collection targets and stringent export regulations for electronic products are all welcome standards."

Commerce supports the need to further reduce food waste

Food waste is a matter of great concern for the commerce sector. EuroCommerce welcomes the European Parliament’s vote on the Report by Salvatore Caronna MEP on how to reduce food waste in the EU.

EFET welcomes CEER recommendations on the integration of new capacity at cross-border points

The European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET)1 welcomes the contribution made by the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) in the Conclusions Paper of the CEER Vision for a European Gas Target Model (GTM) from 1st December, 2011.

Implementation awaits after epic 3-year WEEE recast

Today, a European Parliament plenary vote has brought to an end an epic 3-year parliamentary debate on what was initially designed at ‘tweaking’ the original Waste Electronic and Electrical


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Koninklijk Nederlands Lucht- en Ruimtevaartcentrum (NLR)
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