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Building renovation: More ambitious targets would create two million jobs, argues PlasticsEurope

EU Member-States are attempting to water down the proposed renovation rate of buildings in the draft Energy Efficiency Directive, PlasticsEurope fears. Strong supporter of a 3% annual renovation rate in Europe, the association argues that such commitment would not only be decisive in reaching the ambitious EU 2020 energy efficiency and climate protection targets. It could potentially create 1.6 to 2 million new jobs in the European building and construction industry and increase tax revenues for EU Members States.

Are zero energy buildings really zero? - RICS at the EU Sustainable Energy Europe Week (EUSEW)

RICS stresses the importance of developing a methodology for measuring embodied carbon in Europe’s buildings and presents the final draft of its information paper on whole life carbon calculation, at a conference organised in the framework of the sixth edition of the EU Sustainable Energy Europe Week (Thursday 21 June 2012).

As the EU drives the requirement for low-energy, nearly zero energy and carbon buildings, the role of embodied carbon becomes increasingly significant.

Council Schengen decision strengthens the forces of nationalism

Following last week's decision by EU home affairs ministers to change the legal basis and exclude Parliament from decisions related to the management of the EU's border-free Schengen area, GUE/NGL MEP Cornelia Ernst told the Danish presidency
that what it was doing was "anti-democratic, despicable and undermines the Community method".

"Open borders in the EU is a very meaningful symbol, the very symbol of European union throughout the world," she said.

European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association

ISRM, the National Standards Body of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, welcomed as a full member of CEN and CENELEC

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) have both decided to grant full membership status to ISRM, the National Standards Body of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This change will take effect on 1 July 2012, and represents an important step towards the full participation of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYRoM) in the European Single Market.

ETNO proposes a number of changes to selected articles of the ITRs, in view of the WCIT (World Conference on International Telecommunications)

BRUSSELS – ETNO, the voice of Europe’s leading e-communications services and network providers, submitted to the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) proposals for changes to the ITRs providing for a new sustainable model for the Internet based on commercial agreements between undertakings.

Europe’s first citizens' initiative stalling

Brussels (06/06/2012) – Fraternité 2020 is Europe’s very first citizens’ initiative. Its goal is to enhance EU exchange programmes – such as Erasmus or the European Voluntary Service – in order to build a united Europe based on solidarity among citizens. It currently looks for pledges to enable people to sign online. The necessary certification will cost about 4,000 EUR.


Brussels –Following World Environment Day on June 5, ETNO would like to recall the unique potential of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in combating climate change and protecting the environment. The application of ICT based solutions in economic and social life is rapidly increasing throughout the world. For example, it is estimated that there are now some 6 billion mobile phone users and over 2.4 billion Internet users.

Shifting up a gear for competitiveness and sustainable growth

Today the CARS 21 (Competitive Automotive Regulatory System for the 21st century) High Level Group adopted recommendations for a policy and regulatory framework to improve global competitiveness and employment in the automotive industry. CLEPA supports smart selective regulation which will contribute to maintain the global technological leadership notably concerning safety and environmental issues.

Boeing Reduces Environmental Footprint at Time of Rapid Business Growth

CHICAGO, June 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Since establishing aggressive environmental goals for internal operations four years ago, The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) has steadily reduced its environmental footprint while rapidly expanding its business and significantly increasing monthly airplane production rates, the company reported in its fifth annual Environment Report.


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