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Deliver on worker's rights, urge S&Ds after EU member states fail to agree on new global gold standard for labour

The Socialists and Democrats strongly deplore that at today’s meeting of representatives of EU member states in Brussels no joint position could be reached on better protecting platform workers. This failure comes after a historic political agreement on a landmark EU law on platform workers was reached during marathon negotiations at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on the 13th of December 2023.

B&K Agency launches the project Generation Ukraine to ignite Ukrainian creative and business community



PPWR: Council misses opportunity to adopt strong recyclability criteria and unleash the full potential of highly recyclable materials.

Brussels, 20 December 2023 

On 18 December 2023, the Council of the European Union reached a general approach to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). Ever since the European Commission proposed the PPWR, Metal Packaging Europe (MPE) – the European association representing rigid metal packaging (steel and aluminium)  – has supported its overarching goals of improving packaging recyclability and  reusability.  

Agreement on Single Permit Directive will help improve working conditions and provide more safe and legal routes for migrants

The European Parliament, under the leadership of the Socialists and Democrats, and the EU Council, headed by the Spanish presidency, have reached an agreement on revising the Single Permit Directive. The S&D Group led the negotiations on behalf of the European Parliament for revised rules to improve working conditions of third-country workers and help deal with labour market shortages in the EU.

Historically bad: new EU Pact on migration and asylum normalises rights violations and endangers children

Agreement on Migration and Asylum Pact

Today the European Parliament and the EU Council reached an agreement to reform the EU's migration and asylum laws. After a series of difficult negotiations that have spanned several hours, co-legislators have worked through the night to reach common ground across five pieces of legislation that make up the new Pact on Migration and Asylum first presented by the Commission in 2020.

S&Ds: Europeans will have better-connected and more sustainable transport infrastructures

transport bus boat train plane lorry globe

Elections in Serbia marred by fraud claims; S&Ds fully support people who demand justice and democracy

Sunday’s elections in Serbia brought yet another victory to the long-time president, Aleksandar Vučić, and his ruling SNS Party, but credible reports about election fraud and claims of unprecedented violence raise serious concerns.  

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament call for an independent investigation into all reported irregularities and express their full support to people in Serbia who demand justice, democracy and a European future.  

S&D President Iratxe García in Senegal to support gender equality, fight against climate change and strengthen cooperation on migration

Combatting climate change and poverty; fighting for gender equality, rule of law and democracy; as well as a humane and pragmatic approach for migration – these are some of the key issues that S&D President Iratxe García will address during her mission to Senegal, which&nb

FIEC Annual Report - 2023 edition

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