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European Aluminium

Company Description

European Aluminium, founded in 1981, is the association that represents the whole value chain of the aluminium industry in Europe. We actively engage with decision-makers and the wider stakeholder community to promote the outstanding properties of aluminium, secure growth and optimise the contribution our metal can make to meeting Europe’s sustainability challenges. It encompasses primary aluminium producers, downstream manufacturers, producers of recycled aluminium and national aluminium associations representing the manufacturers of rolled and extruded products in 18 European countries.
Through environmental and technical expertise, economic and statistical analysis, scientific research, education and sharing of best practices, public affairs and communication activities, European Aluminium promotes the use of aluminium as a permanent material that is part of the solution to achieving sustainable goals, while maintaining and improving the image of the industry, of the material and of its applications among their stakeholders.

Press Releases of this organisation

Steel safeguard measures send a strong signal: Commission acts against distortive trade practices European Aluminium 18 Jul 2018
G7 makes explicit urgency to avoid aluminium overcapacity European Aluminium 10 Jun 2018 Global Europe, Trade & Society
Montreal Aluminium Summit Calling for a Global Aluminium Forum and an International Monitoring System European Aluminium 05 Jun 2018 Trade & Society
The EU must respond to unjustified U.S. aluminium tariffs via WTO European Aluminium 01 Jun 2018 Trade & Society
It’s time to make the EU Circular Economy Package work European Aluminium 22 May 2018 Climate & Environment
Prior surveillance for aluminium a solid step forward and must have for our industry European Aluminium 27 Apr 2018 Trade & Society
European Aluminium’s event on Industrial Policy unveils I+ Manifesto seeking to inspire 2019 EU elections European Aluminium 19 Apr 2018 Transport
Every Can Counts was at the Tour of Flanders and will be present at the Amstel Gold Race to support can recycling together with cyclists from the elite Trek-Drops team European Aluminium 04 Apr 2018 Climate & Environment
Temporary exemption from US tariffs a positive step but insufficient, says European Aluminium European Aluminium 22 Mar 2018 Global Europe, Trade & Society
10% US tariff on aluminium requires immediate action from the EU, European Aluminium says European Aluminium 08 Mar 2018 Global Europe, Trade & Society
Malmström ticked all boxes, says European Aluminium European Aluminium 08 Mar 2018 Trade & Society
Decisive actions needed to tackle unprecedented US import measures on aluminium European Aluminium 01 Mar 2018 Trade & Society
European Aluminium Wins Two European Association Awards European Aluminium 26 Feb 2018 Innovation & Enterprise
European aluminium industry strongly improves its environmental performance European Aluminium 21 Feb 2018 Innovation & Enterprise, Climate & Environment
European Aluminium outlines the challenge of overcapacity in response to US Section 232 Report findings European Aluminium 19 Feb 2018 Trade & Society
Recycling Programme Extends Sponsorship of UK Professional Women’s Cycling Team European Aluminium 15 Feb 2018 Sustainable Dev.
European Aluminium gets off to flying start of 2018 with two new members European Aluminium 01 Feb 2018 Transport
European Aluminium applauds EU, Japan and U.S. agreement to tackle excess capacities collectively European Aluminium 13 Dec 2017 Trade & Society
Aluminium sees “glass half full” after ETS trilogue compromise European Aluminium 10 Nov 2017 Sustainable Dev.
Aluminium beverage can recycling at 73% European Aluminium 07 Nov 2017 Sustainable Dev.
European Aluminium Welcomes Five New Member Companies European Aluminium 31 Oct 2017 Climate & Environment
Summary of the Economic Assessment of the Chinese State Intervention in the Aluminium Industry European Aluminium 11 Oct 2017 Trade & Society
EU anti-dumping regulation agreement could become a game changer for EU trade defence, says European Aluminium DG European Aluminium 04 Oct 2017 Trade & Society
Realistic but ambitious European aluminium packaging recycling targets needed European Aluminium 25 Sep 2017 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
Renewed industrial policy ticks right boxes and enforcement remains crucial, says European Aluminium Director General European Aluminium 14 Sep 2017 Sustainable Dev.
Global Aluminium Associations Applaud The US ITC Report On Industry Competitiveness European Aluminium 17 Jul 2017 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
G20 conclusions on excess capacity welcome, but not sufficient European Aluminium 10 Jul 2017 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
Aluminium industry: "All low carbon mobility roads lead to lightweighting" European Aluminium 27 Apr 2017 Energy, Transport, Climate & Environment
ETS vote in Plenary confirms hybrid model as a serious option for Council to ensure full compensation for indirect costs European Aluminium 15 Feb 2017 Sustainable Dev., Trade & Society
Circular Economy - Europe needs to think global and stand firm on its standards European Aluminium 07 Feb 2017 Sustainable Dev.



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