EU anti-dumping regulation agreement could become a game changer for EU trade defence, says European Aluminium DG
Wed, 10/04/2017
Trade & Society
Brussels, 4 October 2017 – European Aluminium, the voice of the entire aluminium value chain, supports the agreement on a new EU trade defence regime that was reached yesterday during a final Trilogue meeting between the European Parliament, Commission and Council in Strasbourg.
“If confirmed, this agreement could become a game changer for a strong EU defence regime against unfair trade,” said Gerd Götz, Director General of European Aluminium.
Aluminium is enjoying a growing demand from end-use sectors but global excess capacities have created enormous unbalances across worldwide markets.
“As there are systemic distortions in the Chinese aluminium industry, it is only fair that the new law focusses on these distortions to trigger the use of non-domestic costs for dumping calculation. We welcome the Commission’s commitment that the burden of proving these distortions will not fall on the European producers,” added Götz.
European Aluminium has been one of the leading industry players to provide statistical evidence of the jobs and growth that are at risk due to overcapacities in the aluminium sector.
“The new regulation should not be seen as the conclusion but rather as a new way of adapting to the unfair practices in global trade. Our association has spoken loud and clear in favour of free and fair trade and will continue to do so. Now, we hope that the European aluminium producers can further concentrate on what they do best: manufacture and innovate the best aluminium products in the world, and leave it to the European authorities to build a fair, free and WTO-based trade regime with all third countries,” concluded Götz.
About European Aluminium:
European Aluminium, founded in 1981, is the association that represents the whole value chain of the aluminium industry in Europe. We actively engage with decision-makers and the wider stakeholder community to promote the outstanding properties of aluminium, secure growth and optimise the contribution our metal can make to meeting Europe’s sustainability challenges. Through environmental and technical expertise, economic and statistical analysis, scientific research, education and sharing of best practices, public affairs and communication activities, European Aluminium promotes the use of aluminium as a permanent material that is part of the solution to achieving sustainable goals, while maintaining and improving the image of the industry, of the material and of its applications among their stakeholders.
For further information, please contact: communications@european-aluminium.eu, +32 2 775 63 63
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