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Press Releases

E.g., 2024-09-01
E.g., 2024-09-01
Commission releases Digital Access Scoreboard and identifies biggest problem as the lack of investment in very fast networks. ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association 13 Jun 2013 InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise
Commission proposal will benefit Asian industry CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries 04 Nov 2013 Climate & Environment, EU Elections 2014, Health & Consumers, Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
Commission invites dialogue with Cooperatives about supposed state aid in Italy COOPERATIVES IN EUROPE 27 Jun 2008 Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society, Agriculture & Food, Social Europe & Jobs
Commercial broadcasters respond to Commission Green Paper on Audiovisual Works ACT 21 Nov 2011 InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise
Commerce committed to action on F-gases, but warns of challenges ahead EuroCommerce 07 Nov 2012 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev., Trade & Society
Commentary on the agreement by the EU ministers on temporary employment and working time on 9 June, 2008 CESI - European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions 13 Jun 2008 Public Affairs, Innovation & Enterprise, Euro & Finance, Competition, Social Europe & Jobs, EU Priorities 2020
Collaborative economy and new business models’ challenges: from promoting innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship to protecting consumers and workers ACCA 30 Aug 2018 Innovation & Enterprise
Coherent strategy identified to encourage more women in business leadership across the Commonwealth nations ACCA 15 Jul 2013 Innovation & Enterprise, Social Europe & Jobs
COGEN Europe acknowledges positive mention of Energy Efficiency and of cogeneration in particular in European Parliament draft report COGEN Europe 21 Oct 2013 Energy, Innovation & Enterprise
Coding and the accountancy profession ACCA 26 Jul 2021 Innovation & Enterprise
COCIR urges harmonised interpretation and enforcement of the Data Protection Regulation COCIR 14 Apr 2016 Health & Consumers, InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise
COCIR strategic research agenda: fully aligned with EU 2020 priorities COCIR 14 Sep 2016 EU Priorities 2020, Innovation & Enterprise
COCIR Launches Its Integrated Care White Paper COCIR 15 Jun 2015 Health & Consumers, InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise
COCIR and ESTRO agree to strengthen their collaboration COCIR 10 May 2016 Health & Consumers, Innovation & Enterprise
COCIR - CEN - CENELEC: Pushing forward on Medical Software Harmonisation CEN and CENELEC 13 Oct 2011 Innovation & Enterprise, InfoSociety, Health & Consumers
CO2 Value Europe: A new association dedicated to the utilisation of CO2 CO2 Value Europe 05 Dec 2017 Innovation & Enterprise, Climate & Environment
Cloud companies move forward declaring adherence to SWIPO Codes of Conduct SWIPO 20 May 2021 Innovation & Enterprise
Closer cooperation between standards organisations of Europe and Canada CEN and CENELEC 21 Feb 2012 Global Europe, Innovation & Enterprise
Cloning - Commission's scaremongering tactics on WTO confirmed in leaked Council document GUE/NGL Group in the EP 11 May 2011 Innovation & Enterprise
CLEPA supports ambitious mobility vision outlined by the European Commission today CLEPA 01 Jun 2017 Innovation & Enterprise, Transport
CLEPA shares latest trends and regulations affecting automotive supply industry CLEPA 13 Sep 2017 Innovation & Enterprise, Transport
CLEPA Position Paper: Competitive level-playing field for independent automotive aftermarket in Japan CLEPA 04 Jul 2017 Innovation & Enterprise, Transport
CLEPA Position Paper on post-2020 CO2-emission reduction targets in Europe CLEPA 13 Jun 2017 Energy, Innovation & Enterprise, Transport, Climate & Environment
CLEPA organised the first Counterfeit day CLEPA 23 Nov 2018 Innovation & Enterprise
CLEPA Innovation Awards 2017 CLEPA 03 Jul 2017 Innovation & Enterprise, Transport
CLEPA Innovation Awards 2016 “Celebrating Automotive Excellence” CLEPA 18 Mar 2016 Innovation & Enterprise, Transport
CLEPA Aftermarket Conference: Automotive Aftermarket goes digital CLEPA 30 Mar 2017 InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise, Transport
CLEAN ENERGY: S&Ds lead EU transition towards increased energy savings and more renewables S&D - Socialists and Democrats 13 Nov 2018 Innovation & Enterprise
CLASS EDITORI, ITALIA & AGENCIA EFE, ESPAÑA: NUEVOS SOCIOS DE LA RED EURACTIV Euractiv 28 Jan 2016 InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise, Languages & Culture
Claims on GM safety should be held up to the same level of scientific scrutiny as biotech product approvals EuropaBio 19 Sep 2012 Innovation & Enterprise


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