CLEPA Position Paper on post-2020 CO2-emission reduction targets in Europe
Executive summary
o European automotive component suppliers lead the world in technologies for efficient, low-emissions vehicles, offering diverse technologies and solutions to reduce CO2 emissions;
o A large variety of smart, safe and sustainable technology solutions will be required to meet society’s ever more diverse mobility needs;
o Technology-neutrality remains a key necessity in CO2-reduction policy, opening up several technological pathways to low carbon mobility;
o Electrification offers an important route to decarbonisation while at the same time the further improvement of the internal combustion engine remains an indispensable path, to achieve the ‘Paris’ climate change mitigation goals;
o Advanced alternative fuels as well as off-cycle technologies offer additional significant CO2-reduction potential that should be unlocked by supportive policy;
o With available technologies, compared to 2020 targets, an approximate 20% to 25% reduction in CO2 per kilometre can be reached by 2030;
o Building on Europe’s industrial strength, policy makers are tasked to promote low-carbon mobility in a sustainable and competitive way – meeting ambitious environmental targets, strengthening EU technology leadership and underpinning growth and employment in Europe.
Please find the full position paper attached.