Exhibition at the European Parliament Tackle Climate Change – Use Wood: The Woodworking Industries and the multiple lives of wood and wood products |
CEI-Bois |
Fri, 11/09/2012 |
Sustainable Dev. |
Greens/EFA Press Conference in Athens Livestream |
Fri, 11/09/2012 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Austerity kills! GUE/NGL sends clear message to Merkel |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 11/08/2012 |
EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance |
The additional gross margin of Spanish farmers that cultivated GM maize during 2012 was over 11 million euros |
EuropaBio |
Thu, 11/08/2012 |
Agriculture & Food, Innovation & Enterprise |
EFETnet Central Matching Service wins Excellence in Risk Mitigation 2012 at the Commodity Business Awards |
EFET - European Federation of Energy Traders |
Wed, 11/07/2012 |
Energy |
Commerce committed to action on F-gases, but warns of challenges ahead |
EuroCommerce |
Wed, 11/07/2012 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev., Trade & Society |
1st European Conference LINQ 2012 "Innovations and Quality: How do they fit together?" -Conference Successfully Concluded!- |
European Project "Open Discovery Space" |
Wed, 11/07/2012 |
InfoSociety |
Waterways Forward Final Conference Achievements and looking ahead |
Grayling |
Wed, 11/07/2012 |
Regional Policy, Public Affairs |
Where has the money gone? Missing €1Trillion in Europe EPSU calls to stop tax dodging and invest in tax services to finance the welfare state |
EPSU - European Federation of Public Service Unions |
Wed, 11/07/2012 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Barack Obama scores a victory against Mitt Romney's ultra-conservatism |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 11/07/2012 |
Public Affairs |
Crash landing for EU Commission's groundhandling services proposal |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 11/07/2012 |
Transport |
Greens/EFA Conference in Athens - Green ways out of the crisis |
Wed, 11/07/2012 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Lithuanian elections: Will the needed reforms continue? |
CES - Centre for European Studies |
Tue, 11/06/2012 |
Telecoms: Ultrafast broadband for European households. Gunnar Hökmark MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 11/06/2012 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and CPME: a robust partnership contributing to a brighter fu |
CPME - The Standing Committee of European Doctors |
Tue, 11/06/2012 |
Health & Consumers, Innovation & Enterprise |
Key UN multilateral trade and road transport facilitation instruments to boost LAS economies |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Mon, 11/05/2012 |
Trade & Society, Transport |
Worrying asylum situation in Greece |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 10/31/2012 |
EU Priorities 2020, Justice & Home Affairs |
Preferential tariffs for imports from developing countries: An example of good practice in setting trade policy |
EuroCommerce |
Wed, 10/31/2012 |
Trade & Society |
EWEA 2013 Chair Francesco Starace sees promising signals from emerging markets |
WindEurope |
Wed, 10/31/2012 |
Energy |
Weekly preview of the Greens/EFA group - 5-9 November 2012 |
Wed, 10/31/2012 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Orthopaedic devices increase quality of life at good value for money |
Eucomed |
Tue, 10/30/2012 |
Health & Consumers |
Superfast Broadband Essential to Long-Term Competitiveness of UK Economy |
Tue, 10/30/2012 |
InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise |
Tax self-assessment could be the new norm for many high earning families receiving Child Benefit, says ACCA |
Mon, 10/29/2012 |
Euro & Finance, Social Europe & Jobs |
European commercial property picture remains bleak notwithstanding marginal improvements |
Mon, 10/29/2012 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society |
Russia's accession to the WTO: EPP Group expects Russia to fulfil its duties. Ria Oomen-Ruijten MEP and Inese Vaidere MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Fri, 10/26/2012 |
Trade & Society, EU Priorities 2020 |
FEP October Press Release |
CEI-Bois |
Fri, 10/26/2012 |
Trade & Society |
Christian Clausen – re-elected EBF President |
EBF - European Banking Federation |
Fri, 10/26/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Plea for end to anti-girl violence in Pakistan |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 10/26/2012 |
EU Priorities 2020, Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs |
Towards a new Policy for Growth |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Fri, 10/26/2012 |
InfoSociety |
European Youth Parliament to gather 300 young people from 36 countries in Amsterdam |
EU Project OurSpace |
Thu, 10/25/2012 |
InfoSociety |