EU R&D budget shows added value of EU level spending
Today, July 9th the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Maire Geoghegan-Quinn announced the next and final set of calls for proposals valued at € 8.1 billion for the EU's 7th RTD Framework Programme with a total budget of €55 billion being allocated for innovative research between 2007-2013. The Commission has proposed that the successor programme for 2014-2020, known as Horizon 2020 receive €80 billion as part of the multi-annual budget currently under negotiation, whilst Parliament's temporary committee on future budgetary needs had suggested the doubling of the research budget for the next period, to €100bn.
Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Liberals and Democrats in the European Parliament said:
"Research and innovation in areas as concrete and practical as cleaning up our oceans, finding remedies to lethal bacteria, better managing our water resources and supporting the digital economy is exactly where the EU provides added value - especially at a time when national budgetary resources are tight. Member States must acknowledge the contribution of the R&D budget in the next MFF to increasing growth, competitiveness and jobs by approving the increase in both funding and emphasis."
"In the context of next year's budget, the last under the current programme, we are particularly pleased by the emphasis on the special attention to small and medium enterprises, due to receive €970 million under thematic research priorities as well as additional funds to leverage an additional €1 billion in loans for SMEs."
Kent Johansson (Swedish Center Party, Sweden) ALDE Spokesman on Horizon 2020 added: "When facing future societal challenges such as supply of raw materials, energy, and an ageing population as well as the on-going climate challenge, it is of crucial importance that we unlock all our research and innovation potential. I welcome a strong finish to the 7th RTD Framework Programme and see it as a great starting point for the Horizon 2020 programme. "
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