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S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Press Releases of this organisation

Invitation – Multi Media Press Conference 07/04/16 10:00 – Africa Week with Gianni Pittella - EN/FR S&D - Socialists and Democrats 04 Apr 2016 Global Europe
Pittella: IMF must not pursue political goals. Discussions on Greek debt relief to be opened S&D - Socialists and Democrats 04 Apr 2016 Euro & Finance
S&Ds in Ethiopia: Pittella "EU and Africa share the same future. A political relationship is key to addressing common global challenges" S&D - Socialists and Democrats 01 Apr 2016 Global Europe
S&Ds in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia): Pittella - "Africa must become one of the most important European partners" S&D - Socialists and Democrats 29 Mar 2016 Global Europe
Pittella: Cyprus reunification is a historical duty and will demonstrate that coexistence of different cultures in Europe is needed and is possible S&D - Socialists and Democrats 24 Mar 2016 Justice & Home Affairs, Med & South
The solution to the Cyprus problem should be in line with the EU's principles and values - GR version below S&D - Socialists and Democrats 18 Mar 2016 Justice & Home Affairs
"Humanitarian visas can play important role in solving the refugee crisis", say S&D MEPs S&D - Socialists and Democrats 16 Mar 2016 Justice & Home Affairs
EU law on medicated feed will reduce antibiotic resistance in livestock and humans S&D - Socialists and Democrats 16 Mar 2016 Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers
S&D Group organises demonstration "No more walls in Europe – #EUWakeUp" with progressive forces from across Europe EN/FR/NL S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Mar 2016 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds forcefully condemn the horrific terrorist attack in Ankara S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Mar 2016 Europe's East, Security
S&Ds call for action to ensure a level playing field in EU-China trade relations S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Mar 2016 Global Europe, Trade & Society
S&D Group leaders visit London on 14 March to discuss UK referendum S&D - Socialists and Democrats 11 Mar 2016 UK in Europe
Veterinary antibiotics rules must protect public health and the environment, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats 10 Mar 2016 Agriculture & Food, Climate & Environment
ECR Group right to call for removal of AFD, now it must look at its other members (German below) S&D - Socialists and Democrats 09 Mar 2016 Justice & Home Affairs
S&D Group will not back extension of agreement with Philip Morris on illicit tobacco S&D - Socialists and Democrats 09 Mar 2016 Health & Consumers, Justice & Home Affairs
Transparence fiscale : les États membres ont une fois de plus manqué d’ambition S&D - Socialists and Democrats 09 Mar 2016 Euro & Finance
S&Ds secure social rights and transparency in modernising EU port services S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Mar 2016 Transport, Trade & Society
More fruit, vegetables and milk for 30 million European school children - EN/FR S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Mar 2016 Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers
Social & Democrats MEPs commit to advance gender equality and women’s rights in all EU decision-making S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Mar 2016 Social Europe & Jobs, Justice & Home Affairs
Gianni Pittella: "Yes to a deal with Turkey but one based on respect for human rights" S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Mar 2016 Europe's East, Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds: "Terror attacks should not be used for political point scoring. PNR will be voted with data protection package" S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Mar 2016 Security
EU experts postpone vote on glyphosate due to growing opposition S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Mar 2016 Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers
S&Ds call for water cooperation in the Middle East S&D - Socialists and Democrats 03 Mar 2016 Development Policy, Global Europe, Climate & Environment
Pittella: EU must create a new humanitarian assistance tool to help refugees in Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats 02 Mar 2016 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds disappointed by EU governments’ lack of action to save the steel industry EN/FR S&D - Socialists and Democrats 01 Mar 2016 Innovation & Enterprise, Social Europe & Jobs
S&Ds push through the new investment protection system in the Canada trade agreement operation S&D - Socialists and Democrats 29 Feb 2016 Global Europe, Trade & Society
Gianni Pittella: Results of Iranian election open new possibilities for co-operation S&D - Socialists and Democrats 29 Feb 2016 Global Europe
S&Ds welcome the stability and modernisation plans of the new Moldovan government S&D - Socialists and Democrats 26 Feb 2016 Europe's East, Regional Policy
Gianni Pittella in Athens for meetings with Tsipras and centre-left party leaders S&D - Socialists and Democrats 26 Feb 2016 Public Affairs, Med & South
End of austerity: European Parliament calls for more investment, higher wages and less inequality to strengthen economic recovery S&D - Socialists and Democrats 25 Feb 2016 Development Policy, Euro & Finance
