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S&Ds: "Terror attacks should not be used for political point scoring. PNR will be voted with data protection package"


Tue, 03/08/2016



The S&D Group has criticised right wing groups in the European Parliament for using terror attacks to try and score political points. The Group reiterated its support for PNR to be voted alongside the data protection package as agreed.

Birgit Sippel, S&D Group Spokesperson for Justice and Home Affairs, said:

"We are seeing right wing groups in the Parliament trying to play politics again with important issues. Regarding PNR our position has not changed. PNR will be voted alongside the data protection package, as soon as both texts are ready. It does not make sense to vote on PNR – which involves collecting large amounts of personal data – until we have a clear and complete legal framework on how that data can be stored, used and managed."

"PNR can help in the fight against terrorism however it is deeply irresponsible to present it as a silver bullet. What has been clear in the last few months is that better cooperation between national law enforcement agencies is needed urgently.  That is why the data protection package, specifically the police directive, is so important.  Clear rules on how information can be stored and shared are essential if we want to foster the better cooperation that is needed to keep European citizens safe. If we really want to tackle the threat of terror, we need all possible tools to do so."


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