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S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Press Releases of this organisation

Mandatory fingerprinting for new ID cards across EU is the wrong approach S&D - Socialists and Democrats 19 Feb 2019 Security
European Parliament backs €10 billion to help front line member states deal with asylum and migration S&D - Socialists and Democrats 19 Feb 2019 Justice & Home Affairs
European Union must do more to protect the rule of law and fight against corruption in the EU S&D - Socialists and Democrats 19 Feb 2019 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds go to Madrid to launch the campaign for the European elections S&D - Socialists and Democrats 19 Feb 2019 Public Affairs
EU backs rules to make online platforms fairer and more transparent S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Feb 2019 InfoSociety
S&Ds: It’s time for the member states to respect rules on animal transport within and outside the EU. Animal welfare is not optional! S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Feb 2019 Health & Consumers
CAP REFORM: The EU should support a sustainable future for farming, rural territories and biodiversity S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Feb 2019 Agriculture & Food
European Parliament passes first resolution on the rights of intersex people S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Feb 2019 Justice & Home Affairs
Tajani must apologise and withdraw unacceptable comments on Istria and Dalmatia S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Feb 2019 Public Affairs
Agreement on European Labour Authority - a major success for the S&D Group S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Feb 2019 Social Europe & Jobs
European Parliament backs free trade and investment protection agreements with Singapore S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Feb 2019 Trade & Society
S&Ds: EU must be at the forefront of new global initiatives for arms control S&D - Socialists and Democrats 13 Feb 2019 Security
S&Ds: Great success on cohesion policy with almost €380 billion for innovation, youth employment and child guarantee S&D - Socialists and Democrats 13 Feb 2019 InfoSociety
European Parliament outlines its priorities for the future of Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats 13 Feb 2019 Public Affairs
S&D Group leader Udo Bullmann: No more time for procrastination – sustainable development goals have to be our compass! S&D - Socialists and Democrats 13 Feb 2019 InfoSociety
European Parliament backs strengthening of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency S&D - Socialists and Democrats 13 Feb 2019 Justice & Home Affairs
S&D Group leader Udo Bullmann: Italian government has to stop alienating this great European nation from its friends S&D - Socialists and Democrats 13 Feb 2019 Public Affairs
S&Ds: The war in Syria has not ended yet. The crisis can only be resolved with a political solution S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Feb 2019 Global Europe
S&Ds: European Parliament must provide more checks on work of the Commission S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Feb 2019 Public Affairs
EU Parliament and Council reach a deal on new public procurement rules to promote clean mobility S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Feb 2019 Climate & Environment
S&Ds demand more investment and better access to cross-border healthcare S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Feb 2019 Health & Consumers
Led by S&Ds, the EU Parliament calls for a more sustainable use of pesticides S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Feb 2019 Climate & Environment
Safeguarding the rights and improving lives of Roma must be priority for next European Commission S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Feb 2019 InfoSociety
S&Ds: No more to Glyphosate-kind cases in Europe. We ensured a more transparent and reliable authorisation system of potentially dangerous substances S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Feb 2019 Health & Consumers
Deal reached between EU Parliament and Council. S&Ds say NO MORE to 'Dieselgate' scandals, unfair competition goods and counterfeit goods sold in the EU S&D - Socialists and Democrats 07 Feb 2019 Health & Consumers
May should look seriously at Labour’s new proposals for a way out of the Brexit deadlock S&D - Socialists and Democrats 07 Feb 2019 UK in Europe
EU finally backs S&D call for crackdown on precarious and zero hour contracts S&D - Socialists and Democrats 07 Feb 2019 Social Europe & Jobs
European Progressives appeal for a sustainable cohesion policy that leaves no people and no territories behind S&D - Socialists and Democrats 07 Feb 2019 Global Europe
S&Ds disappointed by Trump’s refusal to send a positive signal to transatlantic partner S&D - Socialists and Democrats 06 Feb 2019 Public Affairs
68 million girls are at risk of genital mutilation in the next ten years. Let’s stop this cruel and degrading torture! say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats 06 Feb 2019 Health & Consumers



EUI - European University Institute
Communications Assistant
European Business Summits
Events and Logistics Assistant
CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies
Intern - Economic Policy
Assonime - l'Associazione fra le Società Italiane per Azioni
Stage per Policy Assistant
ACI Europe
General Counsel
European Social Observatory
Part-time Financial Manager