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S&Ds: No more to Glyphosate-kind cases in Europe. We ensured a more transparent and reliable authorisation system of potentially dangerous substances


Health & Consumers
Following the trilogue negotiations with the EU Council and the EU Commission, the European Parliament shadow rapporteur on the General food law revision, S&D MEP Pavel Poc, stated
“No more to Glyphosate-kind of cases in Europe. Citizens’ health, environment and food safety must no longer be put at risk due to the lack of transparency or capacity in the authorisation system of potentially dangerous substances. This is good news from the negotiations with the Council on the transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain. Thanks to additional guarantees of reliability, objectivity and independence of the studies to be used by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), we managed to ensure a more transparent risk assessment.
“The Council has endorsed the fundamental European Parliament position - strongly advocated and shaped by the S&D Group - including the early disclosure of information in the risk assessment process, which is the only way to provide risk assessors with the best available scientific knowledge, and to ensure a high level of protection for the environment, public and animal health.
“Today's Europe is all about security. However, what we really need is safety.
“Building walls will not help us if we continue slowly poisoning ourselves from the inside. I sincerely believe that today we will make a leap forward towards the protection of our health and the environment. People’s health comes first.”


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