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European Steel Action Day: steel workers called to action on 1 October!


28 Sep 2020


Social Europe & Jobs

IndustriAll Europe has released a call to action for European steel workers to unite on 1 October under the banner ‘’Europe needs steel and steel needs Europe!’’. Workers will demand urgent action to safeguard the sector and its workers across Europe.

The action day will highlight the demands in industriAll Europe’s European Steel Action Plan and steel workers will call on political and industrial leaders to: safeguard our jobs, act against unfair trade and to give us a pathway towards green steel, made in Europe.

Actions on 1 October will include manifestations at steel production sites, worker assemblies, works council conferences, press activities, social media campaigns, meetings with government representatives, parliamentarians and steel sector employers. IndustriAll Europe will meet representatives of the German EU Presidency to present its steel action plan.

The European steel sector was already suffering, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further deepened the crisis facing European steel workers. Steel production in Europe (EU) has reduced by 40% and new orders have been cut by up to 70-75%. This has greatly impacted workers in Europe, and it is estimated that at least 45% of the workforce are subjected to (or are at risk of) temporary layoffs and reduced working. However, the impact of COVID-19 has not affected all countries in the same way. While Europe has been suffering, China managed to increase their production by 1,3% in the first quarter of 2020.

Judith Kirton-Darling, Deputy General Secretary for industriAll Europe, said:

‘’COVID-19 has been a disaster for the European steel sector and there are genuine fears that around 50% of steelmaking capacity could be lost by the end of this pandemic. This must be avoided, and urgent action is needed to protect European steel workers.

‘’European steel is a foundation industry, and it should part of the foundation of Europe’s recovery. We call on European steel workers to mobilise on 1 October and declare ‘’Europe needs steel and steel needs Europe’’.

Activities on the day can be followed on social media via #SteelNeedsEuropeNeedsSteel.


Notes to the editor

  1. Call to Action video (Luc Triangle General Secretary)
  2. IndustriAll Europe’s Steel Action Plan: EN, FR, DE
  3. European Steel Action Day flyer: EN, FR, DE


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