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Press Releases

E.g., 2024-09-18
E.g., 2024-09-18
Automation of the Working World: Digitalisation Boosts Labour Demand in Europe ZEW 27 Jul 2016 InfoSociety, Social Europe & Jobs
Automatisierung der Arbeitswelt in Europa ZEW 27 Jul 2016 Social Europe & Jobs
Güteklasse chinesischer Patente sinkt ZEW 27 Jul 2016 Europe's East
NABU und DMB: Aus Grundsteuer muss reine Bodensteuer werden - Gesetzentwurf zur Reform der Grundsteuer ist ungerecht und rückwärtsgewandt NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union 26 Jul 2016 Central Europe
Informationswirtschaft in Deutschland: Unternehmen optimistisch ZEW 26 Jul 2016 InfoSociety
Effort Sharing Regulation indistinct about role of building efficiency - the sector with the most cost-effective CO2 mitigation potential EURIMA 25 Jul 2016 Energy, Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
S&D MEPs in Colombia: Seize the Moment for Peace S&D - Socialists and Democrats 22 Jul 2016 Global Europe
BSCI Participants Now Eligible For Positive Impact Loans in The Netherlands FTA - Foreign Trade Association 22 Jul 2016 Euro & Finance, Trade & Society
Judicial reform in Albania a step towards EU accession talks S&D - Socialists and Democrats 22 Jul 2016 Justice & Home Affairs
Pittella: Erdoğan using military coup as excuse to stifle Turkish democracy – visa liberalisation must be halted S&D - Socialists and Democrats 22 Jul 2016 Europe's East, Justice & Home Affairs
Middle East visit: Closer cooperation between EU and Israel necessary - bridge-building in the peace process EPP Group in the European Parliament 22 Jul 2016 Global Europe, Security
S&D delegation to attend Democratic convention in Philadelphia S&D - Socialists and Democrats 22 Jul 2016 Global Europe
“Global Growth in Covered Bond Asset Class in 2015” ECBC - European Covered Bond Council 22 Jul 2016 Euro & Finance, Trade & Society
Economic Expectations Decline Slightly ZEW 21 Jul 2016 Euro & Finance
Romanian court gives green light to constitutional referendum proposing discrimination against same-sex couples ILGA Europe - European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association 20 Jul 2016 Justice & Home Affairs
CLEPA CEO to step down CLEPA 20 Jul 2016 Transport
CLEPA welcomes European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility CLEPA 20 Jul 2016 Transport, Climate & Environment
European Commission climate proposals stop one unsustainable use of land but allows another BirdLife International 20 Jul 2016 Climate & Environment
ZEW-Erste Group Bank Konjunkturindikator CEE Juli 2016 ZEW 21 Jul 2016 Europe's East
Chemical industry key enabler for future EU transport sector CEFIC - The European Chemical Industry Council 20 Jul 2016 Sustainable Dev., Transport, Climate & Environment
Statement Reul zu EU-Kommission und Emissionsarme Mobilität CDU/CSU-Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament 20 Jul 2016 Transport, Climate & Environment
Brexit Vote Dampens Economic Expectations ZEW 20 Jul 2016 Euro & Finance, UK in Europe
ZEW & Credit Suisse: Finanzmarkttest Schweiz - Juli 2016 ZEW 20 Jul 2016 Euro & Finance
EPP Group Chair Manfred Weber on 3-day trip to the Middle East EPP Group in the European Parliament 19 Jul 2016 Global Europe, Security
More must be done to get Syrian children in Lebanon into education S&D - Socialists and Democrats 19 Jul 2016 Global Europe, Education
S&D Group calls on the Turkish authorities to observe rule of law in the aftermath of the coup attempt S&D - Socialists and Democrats 19 Jul 2016 Europe's East, Security
Konjunkturerwartungen im Sog des Brexit-Votums ZEW 19 Jul 2016 Euro & Finance
S&D Group welcomes opening of new chapters in Serbia’s accession process S&D - Socialists and Democrats 19 Jul 2016 Enlargement
Capital Markets Union (CMU): delivering new opportunities for SMEs through venture capital ACCA 18 Jul 2016 Euro & Finance, Innovation & Enterprise
EMF Publishes Quarterly Review – Q1 2016 EMF - European Mortgage Federation 18 Jul 2016 Euro & Finance


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