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Airbus announce 15,000 job cuts


03 Jul 2020


Social Europe & Jobs

IndustriAll European Trade Union denounces this short-sighted decision and stands in solidarity with Airbus workers, ready to fight and protect jobs!

Following the shocking announcement on 30 June that Airbus plans to cut up to 15,000 jobs, industriAll Europe stands in solidarity with its affiliates in completely opposing this knee-jerk reaction which would devastate the sector.

The huge job losses, announced to take place in France (5,000), Germany (5,100), Spain (900), UK (1,700) and non-European sites (1,300) would create a further avalanche of job losses in the expansive European supply chain. Many of the downstream businesses are SMEs and their futures are now threatened.

The company states that the measures are a necessary reaction to the impact of COVID-19 on commercial aviation, but workers and their unions insist that the decision to resort to massive job cuts now, is short-sighted.

Airbus, like all aircraft manufacturers, is faced with an extraordinary situation because of COVID-19. Governments have therefore already provided financial support and continue to support emergency instruments such as short-time working schemes to mitigate the social impact. IndustriAll Europe insists that Airbus makes full use of these instruments. IndustriAll Europe also continues to call on European governments to extend the emergency support for as long as necessary.

The loss of thousands of workers with vast experience, and specific knowhow, would severely hamper the company’s ability to recover in the future. Instead, no effort must be spared to safeguard capacity. Otherwise, the ability of the company to compete with its global competitors will be severely reduced, resulting is an even grimmer long-term effect for both the company and its workers.

Isabelle Barthes, Deputy General Secretary of industriAll Europe, said:

“We are shocked by Airbus’ announcement. Losing 15,000 high quality and well-paid jobs in this world class sector will have a devastating impact on the affected workers, their families, and their communities. This decision is short-sighted, and the company is putting their future recovery at risk.”

‘’We acknowledge that Airbus has convened its European Works Council and we fully support our members who are already in talks with the management. It is vital that information and consultation rights are fully respected, and that the voice of workers and their unions is heard when searching for forward-looking solutions.”

‘’IndustriAll Europe stands by its members in opposing this decision which will crush the European aeronautics industry. Workers have previously backed the company in asking for national and EU support and it is now time for the company to support it hard working workforce during this challenging time.’’                                                       




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