ACCA calls for new ‘future looking’ integrated reporting culture as joint reports launched with IIRC and IAAER |
Thu, 08/18/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Innovation & Enterprise |
Preparing your company for change and disruption |
Thu, 08/18/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Innovation & Enterprise |
Economic Expectations for Switzerland Continue Downward Trend |
Wed, 08/17/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Konjunkturerwartungen für die Schweiz sinken weiter |
Wed, 08/17/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Konjunkturerwartungen erholen sich |
Tue, 08/16/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
EU Stress Test: EU Banking Sector Requires Comprehensive Recapitalisation |
Fri, 07/29/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Bankenstresstest in Europa: Finanzhäuser sind dringend auf Rekapitalisierung angewiesen |
Fri, 07/29/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
NABU: Klimaschutzplan für Deutschland verkommt zu Wirtschaftsschutzplan |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Thu, 07/28/2016 |
Climate & Environment |
ACCA reports increase in reach and influence as membership grows |
Wed, 07/27/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
Study develops index to measure patent quality: Chinese Patent Quality Pales in International Comparison |
Wed, 07/27/2016 |
Global Europe, Competition |
Automation of the Working World: Digitalisation Boosts Labour Demand in Europe |
Wed, 07/27/2016 |
InfoSociety, Social Europe & Jobs |
Automatisierung der Arbeitswelt in Europa |
Wed, 07/27/2016 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Güteklasse chinesischer Patente sinkt |
Wed, 07/27/2016 |
Europe's East |
NABU und DMB: Aus Grundsteuer muss reine Bodensteuer werden - Gesetzentwurf zur Reform der Grundsteuer ist ungerecht und rückwärtsgewandt |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Tue, 07/26/2016 |
Central Europe |
Informationswirtschaft in Deutschland: Unternehmen optimistisch |
Tue, 07/26/2016 |
InfoSociety |
Effort Sharing Regulation indistinct about role of building efficiency - the sector with the most cost-effective CO2 mitigation potential |
Mon, 07/25/2016 |
Energy, Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment |
S&D MEPs in Colombia: Seize the Moment for Peace |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 07/22/2016 |
Global Europe |
BSCI Participants Now Eligible For Positive Impact Loans in The Netherlands |
FTA - Foreign Trade Association |
Fri, 07/22/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Trade & Society |
Judicial reform in Albania a step towards EU accession talks |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 07/22/2016 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Pittella: Erdoğan using military coup as excuse to stifle Turkish democracy – visa liberalisation must be halted |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 07/22/2016 |
Europe's East, Justice & Home Affairs |
Middle East visit: Closer cooperation between EU and Israel necessary - bridge-building in the peace process |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Fri, 07/22/2016 |
Global Europe, Security |
S&D delegation to attend Democratic convention in Philadelphia |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 07/22/2016 |
Global Europe |
“Global Growth in Covered Bond Asset Class in 2015” |
ECBC - European Covered Bond Council |
Fri, 07/22/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Trade & Society |
Economic Expectations Decline Slightly |
Thu, 07/21/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Romanian court gives green light to constitutional referendum proposing discrimination against same-sex couples |
ILGA Europe - European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association |
Wed, 07/20/2016 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
CLEPA CEO to step down |
Wed, 07/20/2016 |
Transport |
CLEPA welcomes European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility |
Wed, 07/20/2016 |
Transport, Climate & Environment |
European Commission climate proposals stop one unsustainable use of land but allows another |
BirdLife International |
Wed, 07/20/2016 |
Climate & Environment |
ZEW-Erste Group Bank Konjunkturindikator CEE Juli 2016 |
Thu, 07/21/2016 |
Europe's East |
Chemical industry key enabler for future EU transport sector |
CEFIC - The European Chemical Industry Council |
Wed, 07/20/2016 |
Sustainable Dev., Transport, Climate & Environment |