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Press Releases

E.g., 2024-09-01
E.g., 2024-09-01
Transport policy must be given higher priority, demands transport sector in joint letter to Commission President Barroso IRU - International Road Transport Union 30 Nov 2009 Transport
TRANSPORT WHITE PAPER - Position Paper of the Nickel Institute Nickel Institute 27 Oct 2011 Transport, Sustainable Dev.
Traumatic brain injury: progress and unmet needs CENTER-TBI 05 Oct 2022
Travel Industry Applauds Draft Kirkhope Report on CRS Reform Stub 04 Apr 2008 Trade & Society
Travel industry demands urgent publication of 12-day derogation IRU - International Road Transport Union 15 Sep 2009 Transport
Treaty to give new impetus to ICT sector development - European telcos propose constructive input to global ICT treaty ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association 20 Apr 2012 InfoSociety
Tremend positions as top supplier of IT services to the European Commission Tremend 17 Dec 2020 Innovation & Enterprise
Trends in the healthcare system: Futurist Matthias Horx and his seven theses EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein 11 Oct 2010 Health & Consumers
Tribute to Dr Garret FitzGerald - 'One of Ireland's most committed Europeans' - from EPP Group Chairman, Joseph Daul MEP EPP Group in the European Parliament 19 May 2011 EU Priorities 2020
Tribute to the #paperpeople: they make sure you have the essentials CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries 08 Apr 2020 InfoSociety
Trichet guarantees solid structure of the European System Risk Board ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe 08 Feb 2011
Trichet's capitulation to speculators at the root of brutal austerity and crisis GUE/NGL Group in the EP 23 Nov 2010 EU Priorities 2020
Trilateral meeting in Detroit boosts automotive business CLEPA 21 Jan 2014 Transport
TRINITY project to help SMEs to benefit from robotics, IoT and cybersecurity technologies CECIMO - The European Association of the Machine Tool Industries 25 Sep 2019 Innovation & Enterprise
Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 29 Oct 2009 Social Europe & Jobs
Tripartite Social Summit: Ceep President Katherina Reiche highlights priorities for employers and providers of public services and SGIs CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 16 Oct 2018 Social Europe & Jobs
Tripartite Social Summit: The long-term vision towards recovery is still missing CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 14 Mar 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
TRIPS Agreement anniversary: WTO should preserve IP at all costs Consumer Choice Center (CCC) 07 Oct 2020 InfoSociety
Troika is not the scapegoat - Parliament calls for European Monetary Fund EPP Group in the European Parliament 13 Mar 2014 Euro & Finance
Troika prevented worse, but needs fixes EPP Group in the European Parliament 25 Feb 2014 Euro & Finance
Troika's complacency slammed by MEPs, as social devastation brought into focus THE GREENS/EUROPEAN FREE ALLIANCE 13 Mar 2014 Euro & Finance
Troika: Socialist inaction cause of high unemployment EPP Group in the European Parliament 13 Feb 2014 Social Europe & Jobs
Trois espaces linguistiques : hispanophones, lusophones et francophones ensemble pour la diversité culturelle et linguistique ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 14 Jun 2011 Languages & Culture
TROPICSAFE achieves significant results to better manage lethal yellowing in palms, yellows in grapevine, and “huanglongbing” in citrus TROPICSAFE 21 Apr 2022 Climate & Environment
Trump and the Nuclear Deal: Like a bull in a china shop DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament 13 Oct 2017 Global Europe
Trump puts at risk EU-US partnership that needs to be preserved S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Sep 2018 Trade & Society
Trump sendet fatales Signal für transatlantischen Handel VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry 31 May 2018 Trade & Society
Trump's unilateral and reckless move to pull out of Iran nuclear deal requires a bold European answer S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Jun 2018 Global Europe, Security
Trump’s threats against the migrant caravan from Central America are unacceptable, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats 25 Oct 2018 Security
TRUSTe / EDAA research shows digital advertising self-regulatory programme continues to improve consumer attitudes towards interest-based advertising EDAA - European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance 13 Jan 2017 InfoSociety


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