S&Ds: member states and EU Commission called to develop long-term rural strategies to promote generational renewal |
S&D |
Thu, 10/19/2023 |
Global Europe |
EU and U.S. trade unions call for agreement on clean steel worldwide and oppose low cost 'dirty' steel |
industriAll Europe |
Wed, 10/18/2023 |
Sustainable Dev. |
Europe: frozen progress for young people in the past 10 years |
European Youth Forum |
Wed, 10/18/2023 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
“The EU must lead in a diplomatic offensive to ensure a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza”, says Iratxe García |
S&D |
Wed, 10/18/2023 |
Global Europe |
S&Ds on EU budget 2024: We cannot do more for European citizens with less EU money |
S&D |
Wed, 10/18/2023 |
Global Europe |
S&Ds: The Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform means money for high-tech industry and high-quality jobs |
S&D |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Global Europe |
Poverty takes away the right to childhood: Children’s perceptions of poverty in four EU Member States |
Eurochild |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Global Europe |
S&Ds: Use frozen Russian assets from sanctions for the reconstruction of Ukraine |
S&D |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Global Europe |
Shortage of labour in the construction industry |
FIEC (European Construction Industry Federation) |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Development Policy |
S&Ds: Thanks to the new Control Regulation, the EU fisheries sector is making a huge leap into the future |
S&D |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Global Europe |
EU Commission Work Programme: "EU plans to cut red tape are not yet enough" |
VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
FEDIOL press release following the vote in the IMCO and INTA committees on the Forced Labour Regulation 17/10/2023 |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Global Europe |
Pellets: local resource to achieve the EU’s environmental objectives |
Bioenergy Europe |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Energy |
Alliance for Rural Electrification & Konrad-Adenauer Foundation unveil new study on Green Renewable Job Creation in West Africa |
Alliance for Rural Electrification |
Tue, 10/17/2023 |
Energy |
S&Ds ready to start the negotiations on their flagship project: forced labour ban |
S&D |
Mon, 10/16/2023 |
Global Europe |
S&D Group to suspend Slovak MEPs |
S&D |
Fri, 10/13/2023 |
Global Europe |
Directive on common rules promoting the repair of goods: EUREFAS welcomes the recognition of a “universal right to repair” by the EU Parliament’s Environment Committee |
Eurefas |
Fri, 10/13/2023 |
Climate & Environment |
The launch of the "Moldova-EU" Club in Brussels |
Club MD - UE |
Fri, 10/13/2023 |
Enlargement |
International exchange paves the way for energy access at SESA policy dialogue in Accra |
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability |
Fri, 10/13/2023 |
Development Policy |
Strong Political Backing and Market Confidence at the Energy Storage Global Conference 2023 |
Fri, 10/13/2023 |
Energy |
EUROFER calls for robust EU-US Global Arrangement to address steel industry’s existential challenges |
Fri, 10/13/2023 |
Security |
S&D Group denounces weakened Euro 7 standards |
S&D |
Thu, 10/12/2023 |
Global Europe |
New liability rules for defective products fit for digital age, thanks to S&Ds |
S&D |
Tue, 10/10/2023 |
Global Europe |
“Children are paying the heaviest price as violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory escalates” |
Save the Children |
Mon, 10/09/2023 |
Security |
Migration: Why Borders Matter |
MCC Brussels |
Mon, 10/09/2023 |
Public Affairs |
Statement by FIA Region I on landmark European Court of Justice ruling on ATU and Carglass vs Fiat Chrsyler |
FIA Region I |
Fri, 10/06/2023 |
Transport |
FEAD welcomes the European Parliament vote on the revision of the Urban Wastewater treatment Directive. |
Fri, 10/06/2023 |
Public Affairs |
PostEurop’s response to the public consultation on the draft ERGP Work Programme 2024 |
PostEurop |
Fri, 10/06/2023 |
Global Europe, Health & Consumers, Science & Policymaking, Sustainable Dev., Transport, Climate & Environment |
Negotiations on EU asylum reform ready to move ahead |
S&D |
Thu, 10/05/2023 |
Global Europe |
S&Ds: Consumers' rights to withdraw from financial services becomes a reality |
S&D |
Thu, 10/05/2023 |
Global Europe |