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S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Press Releases of this organisation

S&Ds commemorate former EP President David Sassoli’s legacy in Rome, together with PD Leader Elly Schlein S&D - Socialists and Democrats 10 Jan 2024
S&Ds condemn conservative give away towards the finance-industrial lobby S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Mar 2019 Euro & Finance
S&Ds condemn Erdoğan’s anti-democratic actions and encourage Turkish people to remain close to the EU S&D - Socialists and Democrats 13 Sep 2017 Enlargement
S&Ds condemn inflammatory statements on North Macedonia by ECR MEP, Angel Dzhambazki S&D - Socialists and Democrats 27 Jan 2023 Global Europe
S&Ds condemn inflammatory statements on North Macedonia by ECR MEP, Angel Dzhambazki S&D - Socialists and Democrats 03 Feb 2023 Global Europe
S&Ds condemn right-wing attempts to undermine EU consensus on Venezuela S&D - Socialists and Democrats 22 Jan 2021 Global Europe
S&Ds condemn the attack on the People's Democratic Party (HDP) offices, and murder of Deniz Poyraz in Turkey S&D - Socialists and Democrats 18 Jun 2021 Global Europe
S&Ds condemn the freezing of funding to UNRWA by the Trump administration S&D - Socialists and Democrats 17 Jan 2018 Global Europe, Security
S&Ds condemn Trump playing with fire in Jerusalem S&D - Socialists and Democrats 06 Dec 2017 Global Europe, Justice & Home Affairs, Security
S&Ds confirm claim to climate portfolio as Dutch government set to nominate controversial Commissioner candidate S&D - Socialists and Democrats 25 Aug 2023 Central Europe
S&Ds congratulate Danish people on saying “Yes” to joining Common Security and Defence Policy! S&D - Socialists and Democrats 02 Jun 2022 Security
S&Ds congratulate first-ever left-wing Colombian President, Gustavo Petro, on his election S&D - Socialists and Democrats 21 Jun 2022 InfoSociety
S&Ds congratulate LUX Prize winner Sami Blood, a film exposing racism and xenophobia S&D - Socialists and Democrats 14 Nov 2017 Languages & Culture
S&Ds congratulate president Abbas on his re-election as leader of Fatah S&D - Socialists and Democrats 30 Nov 2016 Global Europe, Med & South
S&Ds congratulate Social Democrats in Denmark on victory in national elections S&D - Socialists and Democrats 06 Jun 2019 InfoSociety
S&Ds congratulate the people of Malaysia on historic election outcome S&D - Socialists and Democrats 10 May 2018 Global Europe
S&Ds contest harmful deal on the new EU retail investment law, brokered by liberals in cooperation with the far right S&D - Socialists and Democrats 19 Apr 2024 Euro & Finance
S&Ds continue to fight for the UN migration and refugee compacts S&D - Socialists and Democrats 21 Nov 2018 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds continue to push for clean mobility through new public procurement rules and new transport infrastructure S&D - Socialists and Democrats 25 Oct 2018 Climate & Environment
S&Ds continue to put pressure on member states to exclude conflict minerals from the EU market EN/FR S&D - Socialists and Democrats 05 Apr 2016 Global Europe, Justice & Home Affairs, Trade & Society
S&Ds continue to strongly support EU enlargement, but there must be no compromises on the rule of law and democracy S&D - Socialists and Democrats 25 Mar 2021 Global Europe
S&Ds criticise Austrian presidency on political exploitation of UN global migration compact S&D - Socialists and Democrats 12 Nov 2018 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds criticise the EU Commission for relinquishing its duties on the ‘Dieselgate’ scandal S&D - Socialists and Democrats 28 Mar 2019 Transport
S&Ds criticise the two-face approach of EU member states on emissions and climate change S&D - Socialists and Democrats 17 Apr 2018 Climate & Environment
S&Ds deeply regret President Trump’s decision to step back from the commitment to UN global compact on migration S&D - Socialists and Democrats 05 Dec 2017 Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs
S&Ds defend EU workers' right in the face of challenge from conservatives in the European Parliament S&D - Socialists and Democrats 15 Nov 2018 InfoSociety
S&Ds defend EU workers’ rights despite efforts by the conservatives to block progress S&D - Socialists and Democrats 11 Dec 2018 Social Europe & Jobs
S&Ds defend pan-European personal pensions to make a greater difference during retirement age S&D - Socialists and Democrats 04 Sep 2018 Social Europe & Jobs
S&Ds deliver mandatory harassment training for all MEPs S&D - Socialists and Democrats 03 Apr 2024 InfoSociety
S&Ds delivered a historic deal to over 30 million platform workers S&D - Socialists and Democrats 08 Feb 2024 Social Europe & Jobs
